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Posts posted by openair

  1. All I've "suggested" is that I didn't have the same problem acdii did. That Spitinuri need not be terribly concerned, comparing our symptoms.


    What value have you brought to this thread?




    PS we're discussing brakes, not breaks...

    Actually no, you've repeatedly stated acdii was reporting a brake failure. This statement combined with the information in that thread (that ford could not fix it) means you are suggesting that ford could not fix a failure of the brakes.


    The only 'value' I'm attempting to bring to this thread is to show ppl experiencing this problem other ppl experiencing a very similar problem. The more ppl experiencing an issue the more likely ford is to find a solution.


    Your attack on my path typing auto correction and clinging to one post while ignoring more clarified posts further on in that thread certainly adds a lot of value though.

  2. You should try reading more than just post 7. Like where he states the friction breaks work "100% perfect". Like the part where his wife says she only noticed what it was after he reproduced it for her. Or this being the difference between 98 and 100% break scores. Or the fact that the dealer at first said there was no problem they could reproduce. That only after showing two service mangers while driving the car himself did they agree there was a problem (at first). Or the fact that ford eventually told him this was normal behaviour they could not fix or improve.


    Try reading post 41...



    There is a software glitch in the car, somewhere. I discovered today that when the regen braking is lax, that if I shut the car off and restart it, the braking returned to normal. That explains why it is so hit and miss, when they work right, they usually work that way until I turn it off.  The surge while turning has to be some sensor that is cutting out the regen briefly.

    Or are you suggesting ford would refuse to fix an issue where the breaks actually failed?
  3. It's rare I get to say "actually, no" twice in a row!


    You should try reading the threads, here and FFH. This is not semantics. Have you ever lost your brakes"? ... it's not pleasant, and it's not what I'm saying, it's what acdii is saying on the FFH forum.


    acdii says his car is not slowing down. Mine slows just fine under regen braking, with scores in the 95+% range.


    acdii is nearly missing turns because the car doesn't slow down. I'm already slowed down before this happens.


    The last post in that thread is someone reporting something similar to my observation:

    " I can reproduce it, but only at speeds of less then 10 mph in a turn with light pressure on the brake petal in regen mode when mechanical brakes are not active."


    Spitinuri was concerned about something he noticed. I reported some similar observations. Now add Sleddog (above) over at the FFH forum with the same observations. None of us are reporting brake failure.




    lol.  And imo you should try reading them. Acdii  also reports still achieving regen scores of 98% during this issue.  That this issue can be the difference between 98% and 100%.  You and him both approach turns differently.  He drives the vehicle harder, slowing down as he turns.  You have "already slowed down."  Of course there is going to more and less difference in the turn itself with this different driving behavior.  


    The last post in thread agree that their similar issue is the same issue as acdii, just slightly different, but you use this as evidence it is an entirely different issue???  Actually, no! Acdii is not reporting brake failure but a brief reduction in regen breaking.

  4. All my music files were in separate folders by artist and album, and each folder was optimized (using Windows Explorer) as a music folder.

    Can anyone point me to any Microsoft documentation that suggests these folder optimizations have any affect outside of Windows (Desktop) pcs or Windows RT?


    My understand is that these optimization have no affect on the file structure or anything of that sort. They only affect OS's that are looking for these optimization flags and even then only how much extra work they do with these folders. Extra work such as thumbnails, indexing and other preview or preloading convenience features of Windows (desktop).


    A stand alone mp3 player or sync in our vehicles probably isn't even looking for these flags.

  5. Yes, I get this on a regular-but-rare basis.


    I would describe it as more of a reduction in braking than a surge (increase in speed). Reminds me of dropping the clutch to downshift going into a turn. When the clutch opens, you lose engine braking, so the car feels like it's surged into the turn, but it didn't surge.

    Reduction in braking. Temporary loss of braking. Semantics?


    Both you, the OP and the linked thread report an issue with controlling the vehicles speed during a turn. Specifically the regen braking.  At similar velocity. That the vehicle did not slow down as expected. What is the result of not slowing down due to a reduction or brief loss of braking? Surging forward.


    A loss can be anything less than what was achieved. Or in other words a reduction. It seems far more likely that this is the same issue being described slightly differently than two separate issues that have very similar symptoms.


    This guy reports a loss of regen braking (post 7) to the point where he's missing turns, which is very different from what I reported.


    If you take a turn at a high enough speed, with the expectation that the vehicle will brake in the usual controlled manor, it is very possible that even a brief reduction of regen braking (such as a clutch), would cause you to "nearly miss" your turn.  He uses the words "nearly miss" in post 7.  'Almost' is not missing turns.


    Unless you can be more specific?

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