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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2021 in Posts

  1. I think I remember hearing (maybe in this video: that the Energi had an electric oil pump to lube the transmission whether the engine was running or not, but Ford took a gamble and on the regular hybrid relied on the engine oil pump, since there would be fewer miles with no engine. I haven't re-watched the video (and maybe I heard it elsewhere) but the part number for the $230 oil pump lists both Energi and Hybrid application. Anyone know which is the case? Also just what did they revise in the transmission after 2015 to make it more reliable? A bearing? If so, which? Is there evidence that failures are more likely in hot climates? With sustained freeway / high speed driving? Anyone know what sort of driving was being done in the 4 govt owned C-max's? I believe the HF35 was used in the police pursuit versions of the Fusion, so must be pretty durable in later years.
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