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Not just below average, not just in the bottom quartile, but out of the several hundred car models evaluated, last, dead last, the worst. And, according to J D Power, the problems are mostly non-fixable design flaws. Enjoy your Electric Edsels. Do your fellowman a favor and warn 'em off. PS I returned two C-POS.
Except for that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? What supports your guess re the incidence rate? You might want to factor in these posts from a new C-max owner in Michigan earlier this evening: J M This just happened to me! My 10 day old c-max is completely dead and I'm sitting here waiting for a tow truck. I'm beyond furious, and the dealership was zero help. about an hour ago · Tow truck said it is the 6th c-max with same issue he has towed in 2 days. 16 minutes ago
Salsaguy: Why would anyone having read this thread spend their good, hard-earned money to buy into this problem when there are so many great alternatives? I tried twice, both went DOA, returned both. Done with C-max.
Has anyone experienced a dead battery after having the latest TSB performed on their C-Max?
Another useless response. I repeat, how 'bout a useful response from someone who actually knows of someone at Ford who is effective in resolving the C-Max dead battery issue? Unless, of course, if it's a secret!
Useless response. How 'bout a useful response from someone who actually knows of someone at Ford who is effective in resolving the C-Max dead battery issue?
Does anyone have a contact at Ford who actually knows anything about this issue and how to resolve it? Ford Customer Service is useless. If so, could you please provide the names and contact info.
salsaguy, click on the link you provided and try again
Has anyone who has experienced the dead battery issue ever gotten a permanent fix to the problem, i.e., gotten a fix and thereafter never had the dead battery problem to deal with again? If so, what is the fix?
Has anyone who has experienced the dead battery issue ever gotten a permanent fix to the problem, i.e., gotten a fix and thereafter never had the dead battery problem to deal with again? If so, what is the fix?
Has anyone who has experienced the dead battery issue ever gotten a permanent fix to the problem, i.e., gotten a fix and thereafter never had the dead battery problem to deal with again? If so, what is the fix?
Has anyone who has experienced the dead battery issue ever gotten a permanent fix to the problem, i.e., gotten a fix and thereafter never had the dead battery problem to deal with again? If so, what is the fix?
Nonesense! Count the number of posts reporting the problem. Notice also the number of views, over 22,000. Why do you suppose so many are viewing the thread? Either they're C-max owners with the same problem which would be a very high percentage of the number of C-Max's sold overall, or they're prospective buyers doing their homework on C-Max's and figuring out that they don't need these problems. What I don't get is why Ford is not doing enough about this problem and why the members of this blog aren't up in arms about it.
It is absolutely right, and yes I am angry. Two brand new Energis, both DOA! Moreover, a simple count of those who have reported dead batteries just on this blog alone numbers in the hundreds. I don't know where you're getting the number 30 from. Do you work for Ford? Remember, I asked for facts, not opinion, judgement, speculation. Tell me how to have a reliable Energi.
What am I missing?!? There almost 600 posts about owners experiencing FORD -Found On the Road Dead with their C-Max's, better named POS's, and there's no recall, there's no fix. I got my C-Max Energi just two weeks ago after exchanging it for another that had so many problems (I couldn't even drive it off the lot the day I bought it) that the dealer found me an identical vehicle and exchanged it for the original, and guess what?? Yes that's right, FORD-Found On the Road Dead. Dead battery, dead car! Who gives a damn about hybrid, fancy technology, etc etc if the car is not just plain old reliable. When I go out to my car I want to get it in and go to my destination. No muss, no fuss. I see that literally hundreds of Cmax owners have reported the same on this blog, many multiple times, which means there are likely thousands of instances of this. So what are you people doing about it? is there a permanent solution or should I just take my C-max (POS) back and move onto to Toyota, Honda or Suburu. I don't want a car where every time I go to use it, a little voice is in my mind is wondering--is it dead? Has a recall been demanded? I don't about where you are, but out here in California Ford is advertising the hell out of these POS's and I think we all need to start a viral campaign on twitter, Facebook and other social media sites warning people not to buy C-max's until Ford resolves all these issues. If anyone has any facts as opposed to opinion or speculation, please respond. I want a reliable car!