Just got a new C-MAX... Had a 2006 Prius and drove it into the ground (155K+) - never a problem until the end, at which point had one issue, and a Toyota dealer I couldn't trust. Had a real-life average of about 49.5 MPG over the life of the car. Love the cars, hate the dealers... anyway, now a Ford guy again :-) On the Prius it was a good technique to "feather" the throttle in certain conditions. You could just barely press the gas and it would let you "coast" freely, no drag for braking, no acceleration by either the gas or electric. Handy down a hill in traffic, or whatever. Did it often. Is there such a trick in the C-MAX? I seem to always either be charging the battery (braking) down a hill, or using the battery or gas (accelerating) - can't you coast this thing? :-) Thanks for any advice.