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  1. Does anybody have a c max se and tow dehind a motorhome? Do you have to turn the key to aux.? When the key is in aux the dash panel tells you to put the car in park, this read out might kill the battery.
  2. Thanks for the info,I do have a 7 way socket factory installed on the MH.Not sure if I will be able to find a battery maintainer before we leave on Friday. Looking forward to see how this will tow,had a Pontaic G6 and two Jeeps(TJ and YJ) before, they were great to tow. You info has help me alot. Thanks
  3. Hi I had Roadmaster base plates installed at a RV dealership,they did a good job. Bought a 12v extension cord today so I can plug the Even Brake into it,using the cargo bay outlet. Next will try and get 12v from MH to hook to the C Max while towing.
  4. Hi Thanks for the info.Contacted Roadmaster and they told me I had to add a stop light switch kit to make it work(not the brake relay). Where did you get the 12v power to run your Blue Ox Patriot brake? Do you know what the 12v power supply is fused at in the cargo area? Thanks for your help
  5. has anyone installed a roadmaster even brake system in a c max se with seperate wiring for turn signals and brake lights not using a brake relay?
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