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Her Diamond 2

Hybrid Member
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  1. Hi everyone, Was wondering if anyone has any experience with paint repairs on the platinum white C-Max. Unfortunately while in for an oil change, the dealer damaged my rear bumper. They've repainted the entire bumper twice and it still doesn't match. Is asking for it to match to much given the color of the car? I expected it to be a tough color to match. So far the dealer has been great but I expected eventually they will push back. Thanks
  2. I've been chasing a clunk in the rear of the car as we'll. Sounds like the rear hatch is not closed properly. Brought it to the dealer and they claim it's the rear struts bottoming out but I'm not sure they hit hard enough get the rattle and clunk. It seems I get the noise on sharp hard bumps. It's really inconsistent. Has anyone else experience the rear struts bottoming out?
  3. With the temperature drop I've noticed a drop in fuel mileage. I'm investigating the grill covers but I haven't been able to find the engine temperature gauge on the instrument cluster. What am I missing?
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