I'm debating buying my first C-Max, but I'd be downsizing from my Kia Soul 2010 in terms of cargo space. We go camping frequently and are often the ones to bring everything...and I do mean everything in large tubs. With that, I'd expect that from what I've seen, I'd probably only fit around 3 of those tubs inside of the C-Max...I'd need to fit around 5-6. My C-Max will have a sunroof, so with that, is it possible (and safe) to add a full roof rack to carry a lighter weight tub or two (think bedding/pillows), and maybe some form of trailer/hitch/basket combination off from the back of the car to have drag a tub or two behind us? Sorry, I'm not too car savvy and am not quite sure of all the proper terminology. Anyhow, is any/all of this possible without negatively compromising the C-Max? Thanks!