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Everything posted by redhawk87

  1. This is the first time I am changing the oil on my c-Max myself and can't seem to get the oil plug off! This may be a stupid question, but i could not find anywhere whether it follows the righty tighty rule... I would definitely be annoyed if I have been trying the wrong way all this time.
  2. This is the first time I am changing the oil on my c-Max myself and can't seem to get the oil plug off! This may be a stupid question, but i could not find anywhere whether it follows the righty tighty rule... I would definitely be annoyed if I have been trying the wrong way all this time.
  3. I was reading some articles today about the 2015 ford focus and they mentioned SYNC 2... I have a 2013 c-max and did not know what version of SYNC I have. When I go to the ford website and login, it says I have SYNC Gen2. Is that the same thing as the SYNC 2 with the 8 inch screen they put in the 2015 focus? If the SYNC 2 they are putting in the Ford Focus is different, will I get the update?
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