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  1. Yes, no question, I agree with you all. And it somewhat distressed me when I saw it when i got home (hard to spot it when i picked it up). Thanks for attaching the photo with the dots. That was exactly what I was looking for, and I would take a smooth glass surface any day as well.
  2. Plus 3 Golfer, thank you. All good points, and no, it does not extent to the edge, just enough to cover the silver hue - and in fact after discussion with one of the employees there today, he agreed that even he does not like to put the tape on it, and apparently the boss who is a bit of a perfectionist insist they do it since he does not like the silver hue that shows up because of the dots on the edge of the glass. I can see his point and for that matter cannot fault him (but he could have asked first, sure), but we are removing it as soon as I can get the car back over there. Trying to get some pics here so all can see. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dilb0wlj3c3kxoa/RearHatchGlassTape.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7285oyse22vdkv/Rear%20Quarter%20Tape.jpg Like I said, they took their time applying this tape, and it looks professionally done - but I do not like nothing sticking on the outside of the car, since they tend to attract dust and dirt, as you said.
  3. I know - I was re-reading my post, and I can see the not very helpful description I gave. So - let us take the case of the rear quarter glass. Prior to tinting, this glass, on the inside has those small dots all around the near edge where it starts to become opaque, right? (The same is around the rear hatch window glass, just around the border on the inside, these hundreds of tiny raised black dots.( If I am making sense so far - what the tint guy did was put the film inside as usual, but then these dots interfere with the clean install look, and (apparently) ends up giving a silverish hue at the place where the dots are. So his solution was to very artfully apply black tape on the OUTSIDE, outlining the window shape, right where this silver hue can be noted. So - in this image I scored from this site of someone else's C-Max, you can sort of see the hue on the rear quarter panel. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lin1jjxq3yzhd24/TintedRearQuarter.JPG I will try and post a picture of mine tomorrow.
  4. Sorry to revive this once again - but I finally got our Sterling Gray C-Max tinted. When I got it back, and drove it home, I noticed black tape, that is practically invisible on the OUTSIDES of the rear window, and rear quarter windows, bordering the dots on the glass. I didn't know why he did that, so I called up and asked, and he explained that the margin between the film and the end of glass (especially with the dots present) shows up as a silverish gap. And this black tape - to them - was the best approach that conceals this gap.He said they use this method on a lot of cars, especially Fords. The guy is very reliable and experienced, so I trust him in a way. Yet I am sort of befuddled also, and want to pursue this more as I do not want a tape, however unnoticeable, on the outside of the car. It will catch dust, and might even fade out. It is offered with Lifetime warranty, so I am not concerned about the fade, just the aesthetics of a tape on the outside of the glass. My wife did not notice it, until I pointed it out to her. I noticed all the cars in here with tints on, and I cannot see any black tape anywhere. Have you heard of this being even an issue with you all? Thanks, and glad to be a member in here finally. Been a lurker for a while!
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