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  1. i think i will do a documentary on driving a hybrid from coast to coast, sort of a super size me, to get reactions from the 'real americans' who think we hybrid people hug trees.... ok, once in a while........
  2. i'm thinking of driving my cmax from LA to the east coast. anyone experience a super long road trip in the car yet? any weirdness or not able to get service in the country roads? hows the sitting for hours?... or driving long stretches in texas???? [at least the speed limit is now high in tx]/// thanks for the feedback..........................
  3. I swear LA has the worse traffic, we invented the "freeway car park" term..... worst in the country. 3 hours yesterday from westside to anaheim. should take about over an hour.
  4. i keep on coming back to what is most apparent in the sync system, and that is you the new owners should not be beta tester on a $1000 add on. when my $200 android nexus 7 tablet is a million times more accurate in maps, takes calls, and will read my messages, back. understands anything i ask it. has more ability in the music and app content, only it works everytime. anyone with android 4 knows how great it is. ford must have got a nice side deal with m$, to use their software. big mistake.
  5. regardless of who is designing the sync firmware, the issues are real, and all of you who forked over $1k to be beta testers, is wrong. to hope firmware updates will resolve all these issues is not realistic. no one should have to wait until version 3 of the firmware come out in a year. the real issue is ford not doing diligence to make sure the out of the box experience is as advertised. how would any of you like to buy a computer or laptop, and it works maybe part of the time. you would send that machine back in a ny second... ford has a responsibility to all users [fusion, escape, focus, etc] or ford should be held accountable for the issues and are cropping up and seem to be present thru out the spectrum of usability... same goes for any of you who have experienced the cmax electrical bricking... the service managers are not computer techs, nor are they software specialists. they are mechanics, and defer any of these issues back to the home base in dearborn.
  6. very sad that we buy a $1k system for the car, get all the hype from ford and the dealer, and you need to keep the blue screen of death reboot stick. i would like to also hear from new fusion and other ford s[t]ync systems. i bet this isnt just a cmax issue. any good lawyers in this group? ford should get a nice lawsuit to fix this or buy our flawed vehicles back. i hope no one experiences the system or battery, going down while you are driving. since the car is mostly electric assist in many ways, it is imperative that the system works up to specs. i know my sync doesnt, after 2 months, it is now a conversation piece since my android is also on my dash..... you early adopters dont need to deal with this nonsense, apart from the cmax mpg debacle. we have a lemon law in calif, dont think it will apply to cmax, but i will enjoin any class action over the poor design and retailing of the cmax issues that are present. a $30k car shouldnt be this problematic. http://bugs.outofmytouch.com/projects/mft/issues
  7. i stopped using m$ sync, the software on this $1k package is the worst. almost as bad as my old bmw setup. i am exclusively using my android phone or tablet for maps, directions, even music and streaming radio. i have bought a window mount for my 7" tab and thats fine, but i will say to ford that this is a terrible system they chose to sell. now i see a bunch of you are getting more issues. anyone except their dealer hear anything from ford? funny, at CES last week i met a bunch of those sync guys showing the cool latest 'apps' for the ford, and i laughed as my nav is slow, and usually behind where i am... i know about being an early tech adopter, but this is silly.
  8. i would be great to hear from more of the FORD hybrid team on complaints and other questions here on the forum. seems like since ive been lurking around on this forum, that no one from FORD is involved in any of these sub forums.... just sayin..... with a 1st year new model and drivetrain, the feedback on both sides would be very helpful....
  9. anyone using premium fuel? does it make a diff?
  10. it means keep a mpg diary, join the lawsuit, and get a hefty rebate some time in the future.... you know this was coming, after the consumer reports story....
  11. i use my tmobile mytouch4g hotspot everywhere. been using my google tablet with a dash holder for nav instead of the ford. google maps are WAY better. and all my music/ and video files stream via bluetooth into the sync system. i also have my home server wifi-ed to my tablet, so i can access 2 terrabytes of content from my home via emit from anywhere......... good stuff....
  12. anyone recommend a easy on/off bike carrier that wont mar up the finish? dont want to roof mount the bike, since its too hard for us older types to lift onto a roof rack. off to a mountain bike retreat next week, and dont want to take apart the bike to fit in the back......... cmax means see max have fun.....
  13. remember your system is microsoft. so from time to time a reboot will happen. either a driver has stopped working, or firmware might be an issue, so the system will have to reboot. anyone from ford on these forums, have any info about firmware updating, on these pc's? as cool as the ford system is, i would much rather be able to take my android nexus 7 tab, and use that in the dash. the apps are WAY better, and as we all know the google map system is the best. ask anyone who had the new apple maps.... by the way, i build high end computers, so i am quite familiar with m$ weirdness.... so far in my max the system has been stable, but does have lag issues, at times.
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