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Everything posted by Kelleytoons

  1. Oh, it's okay to leave it here. There are always new folks coming by and someone may have missed that initial thread (or gotten an iPhone since then :>). I actually never had *much* trouble with my iPhone but upgrading to the latest iOS definitely made it better (the biggest improvement was that it now correctly recognizes either my or my wife's phone properly -- prior to upgrading it would pair to my phone but not to hers when I wasn't with her even though we had it "see" the phone in the list. Now if it can't find my phone - the primary - it automagically switches to hers, which is how it should be).
  2. Yeah, that's really OLD news -- not sure why they are bringing it up now (we've even had threads here that talked about this before Christmas). Always good to have the latest iOS (or OS, for that matter).
  3. This is the best car I've ever owned in nearly 5 decades (and many, many vehicles) of ownership. Nothing else even comes close -- if you liked it when you drove it, you know why and that feeling will NOT go away (unlike many other cars whose "novelty" wears off). There's no question the battery issue is the sticking point -- and 2013 SE models without MFT are more likely to have it than others. That would be my ONLY concern about that particular vehicle you're looking at. It doesn't mean that all of them have that issue, or even the majority, but you always have to wonder about it. If Marc is right and you can do a background check on it that would be *extremely* helpful, because if it hasn't been in the shop more than once or twice it's unlikely to have had that as a problem. Note that without MFT the Kelley Blue Book (no relation :>) on an EXCELLENT car (and only 3% of cars meet that criteria) with that mileage is $13.5K. So I would at the very least counteroffer that to your dealer (actually, if it were me I'd offer him 13K and if he didn't want it that would be his own loss).
  4. Paul, how often do you rotate your tires? I hate to say it, but I never even consider rotating my tires (never lived where there was snow on the ground either, so most tires just went for 50-60K without issues). I have 7500 right now and if I should rotate them I ought to do so soon.
  5. Well, after 2 1/2 hours of tennis in the hot sun (and then doing the grocery shopping) I sure FELT like I was 110. Feeling better after my nap (and now I'm going to bed -- hmmm, perhaps I'm not 110, but I sure ACT like it :>). I did win three out of four sets, though (the first and third at love, at that, and really *should* have worn the second set).
  6. You're only as old as you feel. I am 110 this morning.
  7. NOBODY is quite as old as I am <bg>.
  8. Exactly my feelings as well -- we test drove small SUVs and C-Max was more an afterthought than on our primary list. After the drive I was convinced. I HATE sitting low on the ground.
  9. Clearly there aren't nearly enough electric cars to put even the slightest dent in pollution, so removing the "push" to get more folks to use them is very short-sighted and smacks of either cronyism or (worse) stupidity, two things I would think are most likely very prevalent in that state (sorry, but when I think of "The South" I think of Georgia and not my own home state <g>). The road infrastructure is definitely something that needs consideration, but at the expense of the far greater and more pressing issue of nonrenewable resources and pollution? Um, not so much. In fact, I would argue that perhaps what we need are much *worse* highways (yeah, it's controversial, but remember the interstate system was designed very specifically for war and is really obsolete in that light). And, folks, you DO know that truckers are the most abusive of the roads by such a wide margin it isn't even funny? Yeah, they pay "their share" of the road tax, but hardly. If you looked at the ratio of how much abuse the far heavier trucks put on the roads versus what they pay it isn't even close. There's a reason the truck lanes are always the most degraded part of any highway (that's assuming they even stay in those lanes). If someone starts arguing about the need for road taxes and ignores raising them greatly for truckers (and I mean GREATLY) they are just self-serving. Putting the hit on truckers would raise shipping prices, but I'd also argue that isn't such a bad thing either (perhaps we need to just go back to a simpler time in life where local goods are the norm rather than the exception). I'd suggest those voters in Georgia "vote the scoundrels out", except that most of them are likely scoundrels themselves (so consider moving).
  10. Yeah, I think it's apples/oranges. Unless you are just looking at something to take your body from one place to another, you really can't compare the two vehicles. Once we drove the C-Max the Fusion just seemed like... a car. Wasn't even a consideration. But if you drove both and really can't tell the difference then just shop by price/feature and don't worry about it. Nothing anyone says here really is all that important (because we all have different things we value in very different ways).
  11. What Paul said -- apparently the tranny is covered by the original factory warranty of 8 years, 100K. So getting an extended warranty for the vast majority of us in order to protect the tranny isn't a good deal at all (but I admit someone in your situation who puts that many miles on will definitely benefit).
  12. Well, in that case the poster who thought it was prudent to get an extended warranty is even more wrong (at least in terms of what "normal" folks might do). Everyone needs to weigh these things based on their own driving and needs, but if you have to pay, say, $2K extra over the course of your car's lifetime for a warranty that isn't likely to have a payout of even half that, you are making a poor choice. As I said in that other thread, insurance companies know VERY well the odds far better than we ever do, and they NEVER lose money on any situation. There are times when it's prudent to get insurance regardless of the odds (a catastrophic circumstance, for example) but by and large most folks are insurance poor when they don't have to be. In my case a tranny that's covered for 8 years, 100K is WAY more than I ever need to worry about.
  13. Not only do I do mostly city, but I almost never go over 60mph so I doubt I'd ever have to worry (and even when I do drive 60mph it isn't for more than 40 minutes at a time). But, folks, Paul DOES cover his grill so that might be a contributing factor.
  14. If the factory warranty of 8 years, 100K miles doesn't cover the transmission then, yes, for a lot of folks it would be worth having an extended warranty. For me, not so much (again, because I won't get the mileage you do unless the car outlives me :>). Which is why I said that everyone needs to evaluate this for themselves -- it certainly isn't a slam dunk to get that warranty (which is why it is priced the way it is -- believe me, the insurers understand the game far better than either you or I, and they ALWAYS win, much like Vegas. Just like Vegas, some folks do indeed beat the house but most do not and most folks have WAY more insurance than they need, which is why those companies are in business and make lots of money).
  15. But does the original 8 year, 100K warranty apply to the transmission? I thought it was only for the electrics.
  16. Although, as with all insurance, everyone needs to evaluate their own risks based upon all factors. For example, with me putting around 8K a year on our Max, with about 20% on the highway, buying the extended warranty is fairly stupid (we are also covered by our Geico warranty but even if not...). If I get ten years worth out of this vehicle before a major repair it might very well outlive me (and that's assuming I DO have the same transmission as you). But to each his own.
  17. Have you read all the things in this thread (and other threads here)? Before you sink ANY more money into anything, you need to get a handle on all the possible fixes for this issue, one of which might very well be the one that solves the problem for you once and for all. Is it a good thing you need to do a lot of this legwork yourself? No, it's a hassle (although truth be told not MUCH hassle -- you just need to spend about an hour reading and writing down or printing out what is here) but it isn't all that technical and even if you're not a car person you ought to be able to handle it. Once you have your list go to the dealership you trust the most (you may need to visit several but don't feel tied to any particular one -- you might also ask here for suggestions in your area) and ask them to work their way through all the TSBs (that shouldn't cost you any money, or at least very little). If none of them fix the issue then you can try the various "fixes" outside of the TSBs (again, listed here), starting with the most likely. Also you can contact the Ford rep here (you don't have enough posts to PM her direct, but post in her thread and she should see and respond). She can help with your dealership. You might as well -- you've invested enough time (and apparently driven that car enough -- geeze, you have more miles on your C-Max than I'll have in seven or eight years). I'm not sure why your warranty period was so short, though (unless this old man is mistaken I thought they ALL came with at least three years but perhaps I'm too sleepy right now to think straight). Best of luck to you.
  18. West cost indeed. (LOL). Gas is around $2.50 here. Still, if it stays below $4 I'll be happy (I fill up about once a month and with the 20% off gas cards I've bought from Publix I have enough gas now to last until this time next year).
  19. Actually, I eventually found them at an auto parts store (I believe it was the Auto Zone but it was so long ago I don't remember). Four came in the package, for a few dollars, and they were a perfect fit and match and all was then fine (I haven't thought about it for months now until you posted in this old thread).
  20. One thing for sure: anyone with battery issues ought to peruse this forum and get a list of all the TSBs and likely causes before they go into their dealership, to help *them* deal with the problem (those who are particularly anal might want to do it before anything occurs so they are ready -- I would think 2013 SE owners or any SE owner without MFT ought to do that but even someone like myself should probably. When I "getaroundtoit"). We've seen time and again that most dealerships aren't aware of all the things they need to know about this -- and how could they? Even Ford doesn't quite have a handle on the entire situation. But by taking a few steps, printing out some things here, you can make it easier for them (which ultimately will benefit yourself). On a much simpler problem I printed out the TSB for my NAV not working and not only did it help the dealership but it got me back on the road within 20 minutes there, whereas without that information they might have taken a day or two (or even longer, if their own internet was "down" -- which I kind of think is a lame excuse, given how much resources we have to connect nowadays).
  21. Actually, my sunglasses fit just fine in there (and they cost several hundred dollars, so I am careful with them). But... they are magnetic sunglass "clips" that fit on my normal prescription glasses. I suspect that compartment is too small for most normal sunglasses (but it's exactly right for me :>)
  22. Yeah, and Brown has ALWAYS been an idiot -- don't need this latest thing to change my opinion (he's about the same as his father -- I lived in California for many decades and suffered them both).
  23. The last point is the most telling -- folks who don't want this car are wasting their time here. Maybe they just don't have a life -- I understand that, kind of. Many people don't like playing sports, or creating, and the internet is a way of "having something to do" that *feels* important, somehow (even if it mostly isn't -- heck, almost anything we post here is something that in five years won't even be worth looking at, if it even lasts that long). I come here mostly for information on a vehicle I DO like (actually kind of love :>) and maybe help others, but if I had decided to dump Maximis I surely wouldn't spend any more time hanging around. Life is WAY too short.
  24. I have stowed mine in the net on the left (the right net holds the first aid kit). And, yes, easy to get to even if the hatch won't open (also because I can see it I remember to check the charge periodically).
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