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Everything posted by NCtoCAgirlie

  1. Hey Y'all! I am thinking about getting the C-max... I know I am on the forum before it's official. I was wanting to ask because sometime soon I will be purchasing a car. I have been looking at and examining and reading about the C-Max. I wanted to hear from current owners. Some of you have had your car now for a good amount of time and was wondering how you felt about the decision to buy this car after the fact. Do you love it? What would you change if anything? Any advice before I go to the dealer to talk with them about the car. I live near LA, CA which we all know what that means sitting in traffic is a way of life (I hate it but still). How does the C-Max do in traffic? What are you actually getting in mpg? Cars sitting in the hot sun is normal in Socal also... So I want a white one but wondering if the light stone made the car feel cooler or better then the charcoal? Number 1: Question is do you absolutely love your C-Max and would you recommend it to a friends like me?
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