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IGregor Wrzbcki

Hybrid Member
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  1. The manual for my new 2014 C-Max hybrid says a fuel warning light is supposed to illuminate when the fuel level drops below some unknown value. A Ford mechanic told me a light is supposed to come on when the estimated miles to go drops below 50. Well, so far, I've drained two tankfuls of gas below the 50 miles to go threshold and have yet to see a light illuminate or a warning appear on my dash panel. Can anyone help me determine where the low fuel warning light might be hiding? Thanks.
  2. Kelley. I got into an argument this morning with the voice of MFT. She asked me where I wanted to go. I replied, "Go Home." She replied with a list of Golf Courses in the area. Golf Courses! Ugh! E.T. she's not. My next reply went something like this, "#@$%$#^$!!" To which she responded something to the effect, "Please choose from the list or say next page." Curiouser and curiouser. Thanks for all your help.
  3. Makes you wonder how the design ever got past a first level supervisor, and whether/how it was tested with real-world users.
  4. It's really not fair to read the manual. But given you've dared to venture to that frightening place I'm curious why, once you've named a favorite, would the command to call up the favorite be "Play Nametags"? Seems it'd make more sense that the command would be to "Play Favorites". No?
  5. Really? Couldn't this send me to a grocery store? And what about other things like hotels (I'm tired), or movies (I'm bored), or schools (I'm curious), or, or, or...
  6. Perhaps, but I'm not impressed with the logic by which the voice gets me there. Waaaaaay too many steps, and can't figure out how to go back once a mistake (often mine) is made, or a better idea comes up. Yesterday I was testing the system around town to destinations I know very well. On several jaunts under 4 miles I got to the destination before the voice and I could get together to set one. Ugh. Here's an example of a trip to a local McDonalds about 3 miles away (with just a bit of hyperbole): Make a command - NAV - make a command - destination - address, city or POI?-- POI -- Another city or nearby? -- nearby -- Choose a category -- I mistakenly choose a category she doesn't recognize -- Choose from the list -- I pull over to read the list, but before I get the car stopped I get another instruction -- Say page forward or page back -- I page forward and say a line number before getting back on the road -- Another city or nearby? -- nearby -- Name or address? -- name -- say name -- McDonalds -- Choose from list -- I cast my fate to the traffic gods and read the list while driving before making a selection -- turn right in 100 feet -- I turn right into the McDonald's parking lot. Sheesh!!!
  7. Kelley, you're exactly right about not getting what I want. I hope you're wrong that Ford won't get our systems right, though. We paid for an integrated system that works together as a unit, not a first generation beta test-bed full of work-arounds. And this surely isn't rocket science. Other companies have been doing it better for sometime. If I had known how poorly this system was integrated I'd have opted for the standard radio and put a Garmin on the window/dash. Might do that, anyhow, if MFT continues to prove as painful as it is. I've used Garmin for years, and find them to be light-years ahead in their understanding of how a driver actually navigates. Have also tested them in aircraft. Should have known better. Well, seems the ball's in Ford's court. They've got our money, now let's see if/when they deliver the goods.
  8. Well, #@$%#!! I tried the Ford Sync Destination android app without success. Something about it not being compatible with my phone or service. So, I followed the app's link to the Developer's Website to see if they might be of some assistance. Connected me directly to my portal at Ford.com. Ugh! No help there. So I tried another approach. Maybe I could use my iPod Touch to send addresses to MFT with some app comparable to Ford Sync Destination. Unfortunately, there are ZERO Ford apps at the Apple store. Seems Ford might have taken the Microsoft mantra "Our Way or the Highway" so literally that customers are left without a user-friendly way to navigate a highway.
  9. Thanks, ShinyTop. I'll look into the app. Where does it place the uploaded address in MFT? Into the already uploaded Phonebook? Or into the NAV destination list? Or into the NAV favorites? Thanks.
  10. I've come across another seemingly unusual feature of MFT that needs explanation. Seems there should be some way to name a destination directly in the destination function, but I cannot find it. The destination list of addresses does little good if it's not easily associated with a destination name. Who remembers that 53426 Maple Street, Sometown, USA is the address for Uncle Harry? Also, seems there should be some way to save a destination to Favorites without having first to "go" to the destination, then change from destinations to favorites, and then save it as a favorite. And even after naming favorite, the name does NOT appear on destination list. What? Sure seems to be a painfully kluged way to enter and keep track of information. Am I missing something, or have I just stumbled upon another reason that so many are unhappy with MFT? Thanks.
  11. Thanks, ScubaDad. I spoke to a Ford customer rep by phone this morning and learned that Ford had incorporated a link between phonebook and Nav in v3.6, but inadvertently broke it when they brought out v3.7. He told me their engineers are working to fix the problem. No estimate of how long this might take. Also learned that having the voice in the dash vocalize POIs was also in work. Hard to believe that these functions should be overlooked for so long. Sure would have been better to learn that Ford had shifted software development from Microsoft to a company with knowledge of how to design user-friendly interfaces from the beginning. Oh well.
  12. Thanks, but I've been to that link and it doesn't help. When I access an address from within my phone book and click the option button the only option is to delete the photo. There is no option to set the address to destination as described in the link. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
  13. Greetings, I'm new to this forum, having just purchased a C-Max hybrid this week, and have two questions related to operating the Nav System. Any/all help would be appreciated. (1) How can I use the address book to enter a destination in Nav mode? Seems there should be a direct way to set a destination from an address in the address book, but I can't figure it out. Any suggestions? (2) When the Nav system provides a numbered list of POI options the voice in the dashboard asks me to choose by number. Is there any way to get the voice to read the list so I don't have to divert eyes from the road? Seems that's the whole purpose of voice, no? Any suggestions? Many thanks in advance.
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