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Everything posted by 808stevan

  1. Thank you SNOWSTORM... Great questions..I am going to reord the noise today and reply again to this message.... MAHALO! 808stevan
  2. Thank You STOLENMOMENT...A loud bearing noise is accurate for the sound, but it is coming from closer to the engine compartment. Does yours change pitch with an increase of the RPM like mine? Mahalo! 808stevan
  3. Aloha to All, I live in Hawaii and recently bought a 2013 C Max from a used car lot. It was on special because the car makes noises when the gas motor kicks in. The mechanic stated that it was a Generator issue and not a transmission issue. They said that the car should last another few years before the transmission would need to be replaced at a cost estimated to be upwards of $5,000. Apparently the Transmission is a "Sealed Unit" and to eliminate the noise of the generator, I would have to replace the entire assembly. I got the car for $2900. So far it is extremely reliable and I am getting nearly 40mpg. As I brake, the battery reloads as expected. Whenever I am in gear and the gas engine kicks in, there is a noticeable humm, like the sound of a circular saw, but it is not too loud (as in the volume of a screeching belt or power steering going bad) and the car operates perfectly. Can anyone comment on the longevity as described by the dealer? Am I in for headaches soon? I Humbly ask for your opinions....
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