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Everything posted by baufan2025

  1. Thanks, I will definitely look into that.
  2. I will say it's always been a little flaky over the years I've had it. If I drive it, it will be ice cold and then when I turn it off whether I'm somewhere for 10 minutes or 2 hours It always takes 15 or 20 minutes to start cooling again. It did that before and after I changed the compressor on it.
  3. Thanks, my external temp sensor has shown --- since I bought the car a few years ago. The guy at express said he voltage checked the sensor in the mirror and it's reading fine so he suspected wherever it plugs into. Not sure where that is.
  4. Hello, I have a 2013 Ford cmax and a few months ago I changed the AC compressor. It's been blowing fine at 43 degrees since June. Today I'm seeing an issue where if I'm sitting still it blows cold but when I accelerate it warms up to about 75 blowing out of the vents. Then when I'm driving it will alternate where it'll blow cool then warm then cool then warm. Any ideas?
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