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It isn't, but the next time it goes in, I'll let you know.
Also, anybody know what wire harness in the rear hatch has chaffing issues?
The key works just fine, getting into the car isn't the problem. The owner's manual show's the oval panel that you remove, then the whole passenger side of the center console. Me and the first tow truck driver tried to follow the directions, but this Cmax doesn't have the panel like it shows. It looked like we would have tore a lot of stuff up just to flip the interlock. How come they couldn't make it user friendly like every other car in the world? You can either stick your key in a hole by the shifter to unlock, or pop off a small access panel to do it. Requiring tools that you may not have with you to make a car able to move is a bad idea.
I don't know what you mean by MFT or standard. We have the base model and did not subscribe to the SYNC. If MFT is the big screen in the middle that shows phone calls, CD, Radio station, etc. Then that is what she has. As for choice, I never buy the first year of anything for this reason. Some can deny it, but first year models are always plagued with problems. But, she really wanted it. She likes the car just fine, even with the downgraded mileage rating. It's just unreliable at random times. We use it for long distance travel, sometimes it's just her and my daughter. Car being dead in Iowa in the middle of the night doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling. I believe this is unacceptable in a brand new car. And I would rate it as "good enough" for what it is, if it wasn't randomly dead. "Superior" is stretching it a bit. Just my opinion.
Just joined. I was googling "how to manually put a Cmax in neutral when it's dead" when I found this forum and thread. The wife's Cmax has been in to the dealer 5 times also. They've 1) replaced the battery once or twice, 2) did the software upgrade, 3) and said . . . . .huh. It's still under warranty so we call them every time it happens. I don't attempt to jump it, because some bean counter will probably tell me I voided the warranty, so I don't. (And yes, things like this have happened.) Anyway...... What is the wire chaffing deal? Where exactly in the rear hatch area is it located? If I can help the mechanic figure out what to look for, all the better. Bigger battery? How much bigger? Pretty close to turning this thing in for Lemon law. Car was the wife's choice, and I think she may have learned her lesson, since the Focus it replaced has 230K on it and still runs like a top. To save myself time and grief, if this Cmax can be made reliable, then all is good. Also, if anyone knows how to put it in neutral when it dies, it'll save the chance of the tow truck driver tearing the car up because it has to be dragged on to the truck. So far, so good, but at 5 times, pretty sure I'm pushing my luck.