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Everything posted by finallycarforme

  1. I think in the case of my parents, it's actually more about the brand than the actual car. They live in a very status conscious area and have driven luxury cars for decades. I think the finishes on the C-Max are quite nice, but I've always driven Japanese "regular" cars, not luxury and I don't live in a place that has a Mercedes or Lexus in every driveway. In terms of comfort and power, I think they'd like the C-Max a lot and it even has some bells and whistles they currently don't have in their slightly older luxury cars (if they got one optioned up, that is) but it's the perception of the brand that is actually more of the stumbling block. Basically, they are snobs. What I find interesting is that there is a Prius in every other driveway where they live because somehow that's cool even though the finishes are dreck compared to the C-Max. Maybe when they visit and drive my car, they will be persuaded. Newer cars have some safety features I'd like to see them have.
  2. Welcome! I've had mine for a week and I absolutely love it. That Ice Storm is a very pretty color. This is what she'll do when she starts driving it: :yahoo: Congrats on the new baby on the way. My mom has been driving an Acura since 1989, she's on her third. I think the C-max would be perfect for her but she hesitates to go "down" to a Ford. I'd be curious to know what you and your wife think of it after living with Acuras and Cadillacs.
  3. I've had my Oxford White for a week now and I do like it. It was more a case of buying what they had to make a deal on than choosing it but it looks very clean and fresh and I like that it has high visibility. It's very easy to spot in parking lots and I like knowing that it won't disappear into shadows when my teenagers are driving it. I would have preferred the light stone interior but ended up with charcoal. My chief complaint about that is that my favorite down coat leaves tiny feathers stuck to it and they really show. I'm surprised at how much I like the comfort of the cloth seats though, they are much warmer to sit on initially than leather. I love the way the leather looks but it is freezing to sit on in winter and I've scorched my legs on it in summer. I know the heated seats would fix that, I have them on the cloth seats and they are awesome, so much better than the ones on my Odyssey. Overall, I love this car, every time I get into it, I do a little happy dance. :woohoo: I'd also like to point out that this website has the best emoticons ever... :clapping:
  4. I would agree with the above poster, get the package you want. I live in the Mid-Atlantic and almost every SE I've seen has the winter package. That was not true in California where I was over the holidays and looked at cars with my dad. Your profile says you are in MA, I'll bet most of the SE's you find have the winter package already. I love those heated seats! That heat up super fast (like 30 seconds and you feel the warmth starting, so unlike my 2005 Odyssey which takes at least 5 minutes) and you can set them to Roast if you want to. You want the heated seats... I lived in MA for 5 years, I know.
  5. I've had it a week and I love it more every time I drive it. My mpg is going up as I learn how to drive more "efficiently". I have hauled two loads of interior designer stuff in it and have not wished I had my van with me. My sons have declared its name to be the Wampa (Star Wars reference for all you non-nerds). Today when my husband sent me a text with an emoticon and I had the voice (Mrs. Roboto) read it to me, she said, "happy smiley" for the emoticon, I thought that was so funny sounding coming with her roboto voice. I am so happy with this car. :love_shower: Does anyone know how to post photos?
  6. Thanks very much for the replies! I'm going to go ahead and order. It sounds like the perfect solution for me and I already can't stand the way the charcoal carpet shows every little piece of lint and dust. Thanks again!
  7. I just got my C-Max a few days ago and am looking for maximum coverage for the cargo area. I frequently haul things with the seats down and need something that won't prevent me from sliding things in (I have found that rubber mats make it hard to load cargo). Does anyone have the Canvasback liner that covers the seat backs? How has it held up and would you buy it again? Thanks!
  8. Hi all, I drove away with a white 2014 SE yesterday with the 203A and the winter packages. Those heated seats are toasty! I'm coming from a minivan (which we still have, the teenagers have to drive it!) and I was worried about where to put all my mom stuff but I have figured out most of the hidden little storage spots and I think it's going to be fine. I LOVE this car! I haven't been so excited about a car since I got my little red Honda Civic right after college. It's so much fun to drive something small and maneuverable after 13 years in a vehicle with sliding doors and three rows... I have a small interior design business and needed a hatchback or wagon but I still like the higher seating position of the van but I really wanted better fuel economy. So far I'm getting 37 mpg but it's cold here and I'm learning to be less lead footed. I'm sure it will get better. I'm happy happy happy with my C-Max so far! :yahoo:
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