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Everything posted by eklman

  1. Hi Everyone, I recently pruchased a certified, preowned 2013 C-MAX hybrid SEL and have a problem. I'm the kind of guy who loves tech stuff, pushing buttons, and getting setting just right. So, the other day (day 3 of ownership), I'm sitting in my car (it's off), in our parking garage, and getting everything setup just right, when all of a sudden I get a message to the effect of battery power saver mode off. The MFT screen gets a progress car on it, and within a minute or 2, the screen turns off. My only option is to turn the car on if I want to contoniue using the screen. I did some research online, but everything I found kept directing me to people who have a a traditional (non-hybrid) cars, or an electric car. ...so I'm a little lost. -I read a lot of comments about disconnecting the battery and resetting it. ...sounds a bit dangerous for my liking. I spoke to someone at my dealership (she was the receptionist in the service center, but assured me she knew what she was talking about.) ...after a few minute of jargon she goes off into a crazy rant about how hybrids are computers, and computers will rule all humans one day (I wish I was joking). -Anyway, a customer who was getting some maitainance done overheard my conversation, and said the symptoms my car was having sounded a bit off. I understand that after a certain amount of time, the battery saver feature would be helpful so I don't drain my battery. However, I dont get that I can't sit in my car and listen to the radio for even a matter of a few minutes with the car off. One of my favourite pastimes is going to the drive-in movie theater. Their directions are to turn the car off, and switch it to accessory mode. -Am I to believe, that with all the tech my car has, I cant accomplish this simple task? Does anyone have any experience with this problem? Thanks for any feedback!
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