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Boys fan

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  1. All, your feedback is very much appreciated. I will be leveraging the tips and tricks to improve my C-Max MPG's. I also want to make sure that when miles per gallon is referenced it is actual at the pump not what is provided by the on board computer; as I have found my computer to be off by as much as 2 MPG less. Lastly, I do believe a 7 to 8 mile reduction in average fuel economy is significant (15-20 percent). Those that are reporting over 50 MPG's I find very hard to believe. The comment made by FOUTSNC above is, in my opinion, dead on; I truly think the real world average annual numbers are going to be around 44/40/42 of the Prius V with the current setup. Thank you again.
  2. Since my primary motivation for purchasing the Ford C-Max was MPG's I do not share your enthusiasm as I do not see any way this car will reach the rated MPGs listed of 47/47/47. Since purchasing on October 30 I have put over 4K miles on the vehicle and have been extremely dissappointed with my observed MPG's. So much so that I have taken the vehicle in for service asking the service advisor if any software updates have been sent by Ford; I was advised there have not been any received. With that said I do believe the vehicle is superior to he Prius V in many areas. I thought the Federal government solved auto manufacturers from fudging on their MPG ratings with the revisions to the CAFE standards established a few years back. Yet, with the recent class action lawsuits against KIA and Hyundai for false representing published MPG's, maybe not. I am sure you are familiar with the government sight which provides real time data from car owners for MPG's (www.fueleconomy.gov). I have found the sight to be very useful when making buying decisions and identifying the accuracy of the vehicle MPG rating by the manufacturer. unfortunately, there were not enough recorded C-Max's at the time of purchase so I was going on blind faith. This link is a direct link to the C-Max recorded information: http://www.fueleconomy.gov/mpg/MPG.do?action=browseList2&make=Ford&model=C-MAX%20Hybrid%20FWD. You mention driving tips that have led to improved mileage; any chance you have those links handy? Thank you again.
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