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Posts posted by chickenpotpie

  1. Thanks, I'm super excited,  a little scared though!  The test drive went really well and I enjoyed it.  I'm ready, its the next step for me.  We already have solar on the house and have for the past few years, so green technology is great when it can enhance how you live...  I mean, as long as its kinda cushy  ;)


    I've been reading pretty much anything I can get my hands on including lots of the ford online manuals but OMG, sooo any questions.  I hate to sound like a noob (I am its so awesome though! :love_shower: :love_shower: ).  I pick her up around 3pm (as long as no one springs a crazy late afternoon meeting on me)  No name yet, I'm thinking on that.  The dog has no opinion on names. lol.


    This reminds me of my first stick shift car and all the uber excitement/ fear I had when I drove her off the lot,....a fully loaded sparkly aqua green Geo Storm named Gussy.  I damn near killed myself in that car in the beginning, but I had it eventually for 225k miles before giving it to the next victim owner.

  2. Some of us are new to Hybrids and need  a little help :)


    I've been reading since Saturday night...lol  yeah I know I'm weird that way, but I still have yet to figure out what ICE really means.  I'm guessing but I'm probably not guessing right (internal combusion engine?) 



    Every forum has its own lingo which is understandable, if there's a place for it, any guides to where it would be?  And if there isn't, can we build one?

  3. Today was the day!  in 2009 I bought a ford focus.  Great car no complaints, I just hate sedans.  some years later we got a greyhound and while she'll jump in any car I ask her to for a ride, the focus isn't her favorite.  the


    Because I wasn't prepared to go all out and buy a cmax, I went for the lease with the focus as trade. (I barely drive, its kinda funny why I ever bother actually)  anyway, I think I got a good deal....at least I'm hoping.  No money down, 210 monthly decent money factor (1.1 I think?) plus they took the ford because it wasn't even 30K miles.


    I'm a tech geek, I program stuff in my real life so have an affinity for Useful tech.  My old car didn't even have cruise control!


    Anyway I got a 2015 SEL step up from base model in Ruby Red.  I'm sick of silver cars frankly.


    So I take delivery tormorrow, but I'm already wondering what the hell I got myself into...lol

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