Just picked up my new C-Max last Friday and the first thing I got it polished up with some products from Zaino. Z-2 covered with Z-CS topped with Z-6. Impressed the salesman who tried to sell the $500 eco coating. As for setting up the screens, once I got to pushing the buttons, I figured out the logic on how the menus worked and I got the info on the screens I wanted. Interfacing with Miss SYNC has not gone as well. I have to lose the Yankee accent and start speaking Southern to it? As for the ride, I find it very nice and quiet, with good acceleration and handling. I have not noticed the issue some people have complained about when stopping and the not-so-smooth transition from regen to hydraulic brakes. Then again I have been driving gently. Average mpg indices the high 30's but I won't be tracking it till 1000 miles. My wife's FEH took a while to loosen up before getting the advertised mileage and now we exceed original mileage numbers. Well have to go and to throw the clubs in the back and hit the links.