I have a 2013 C-Max. For a few months the radio would randomly shut off usually after a loud pop noise. In the beginning it would come back after turning the car off and then back on. Twice the radio was turned on when the key was not in the ignition. It eventually went longer without coming back on. 3 weeks ago it went out and did not come back on. There were random very loud crackling static noises. I took it to the dealership and they removed a fuse in the trunk to keep it from killing my ears until they could get it in. The dealer looked at it and told me it was either the front interface module or the audio control module totalling $915. I didn't get it fixed. It sat for 3 days, when I got in it on Monday the radio was working. I stopped at the dealer and asked if they had forgot to take the fuse out, he said he had. The radio quit working again later in the day but I don't get the crackling like I had before it was diagnosed. I ordered a front interface module and switched them out. Still no radio. I pulled fuse #67, still no radio. I disconnected the positive on the 12v, still no radio. The display menu only gives me the options of display and clock. When I press the power button the black screen flashes the blue box but then goes back to black. Sometimes when I start the car the screen is blue with the Ford logo but is usually black with the temp and time. Any ideas?