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  1. 105k on my Feb 2013 Cmax. Looking to get my 3rd set of tires, Was told they are no longer stocking. Just had to replace rear shocks on my 100k work which included plugs, oil, filters.
  2. Also the fuel level itself will show as yellow (60 or below I believe), or red (30 or less).
  3. @Kelleytoons Trust me, no need for a link. it's a multi-pack that you might find in a CVS, gas station, supermarket or walmart for less than 5 bucks, but this was it if you want to see http://www.walmart.com/ip/Cooper-Bussman-ATM-High-Amp-Emergency-Kit/20971316. OK, so once I took off the plastic retainers holding onto the molded felt panel, and removed said panel, then it wasn't so bad. The key was pulling straight down on the retainers. I can't imagine trying to do this without pulling out that panel. @Zathrus as kc1174 said, no spare fuses in there, just empty slots for the ones that were listed as "not used". Really Ford? You guys couldn't give a spare or 2 when they blow out? ok, rant over. I can charge my phone again. Although now I'm nervous about why it blew in the first place with the compressor. EDIT: PS, just for the record, the fuse puller didn't work on the ford fuse. I had to use a key to pry out the fuse. I beleive someone else in the thread above mentioned it. I can verify later the absence of ridge. EDIT2: PSS, the fuses do have a ridge, but they are really slim.
  4. I bought spares last night because I didn't see spares in the engine compartment, or the trunk. I should be "turning my world upside down" today at lunch to do the replacement. BTW, bought the multipack since it comes with a fuse puller that I can keep in the passenger compartment. I don't think I should have to go into the engine to replace a fuse each time.
  5. Thanks for this thread. "Goofball engineer" is too kind. I had a similar issue where my tire pressure indicator came on. Pulled out the trusty compressor, plugged it in, attached to tire stem, push button..... nothing, nada, zip. ok, back in car, go to nearest gas station, buy air. At lunch I go go to the left side of the drivers side foot well, not there. Under the hood, yep, I fight with the cover for 10 minutes, no legend! break out the manual.... 3 of them? in different places? still dressed for work and sweating in Houston, decide to find it online, and fight with it later. I'll just make sure the phones are fully charged when I leave.
  6. I would love to know that as well as I have a platform with a 2" receiver from my Honda Odyssey days, although I'm thinking I would need to get a riser.
  7. @ArizonaEnergi: Do you have a sku for that hitch? I can't seem to find it on that page, and the linkis broken. Maybe they don't sell it anymore :( Do you have the automatic gate lift? If so did you have to do anything to compensate for it?
  8. Good to know it's not just me. Well, I was told I would be called when the part came in (on 2/9). Still waiting. Not usually a problem, but we just moved, and I could really use a whole fold down rear seat.
  9. OK, last Friday I decided to push it. The Cmax said i had 54 miles worth of gas in it on my Friday drive home from work (39 miles). A 15 mile difference. By the time I got to the gas station it was down to 6, and I did't do anything different than my usual home commute (~41 mpg). BTW, I'm usually the guy who fills up at a quarter. Strange driving so long with a yellow then red gas pump on the dash.
  10. Thanks. Now my car can be an autobot, from starfleet or pretend to be the batmobile.
  11. I have the opposite problem. It will read my wife's text message (samsung G3) but not mine (Droid Razr, original)
  12. @Wingrider01: Jeez, what are you doing? Watching full length HD movies on the screen? Last Christmas I picked up a 1TB drive to expand my DVR exponentially!
  13. @eddy: please keep us informed. I have my old Yakima bike racks from my outback, and just need the mounting rails.
  14. Thanks, The hand is OK. @mippedmapped, yes, pulled the handle all the way. There is no resistance throughout the handle travel. When i brought it in to service, they asked me to drop it off for the day since they need to take the seat out. Now I'm figuring it's a good way to crush old soda cans.
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