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  1. I have not previously participated in this discussion, but I have now experienced a second dead 12v battery. I have an early SE, purchased in October 2012. The first battery problem was in January of 2013 and the dealer replaced the battery, but did not mention or list any software changes on the repair order. Things have been fine until this morning. I didn't drive car yesterday except for moving a few feet to shovel snow. This morning was COLD (about 6 degrees) and battery was dead. I will be heading back to dealer, where a new battery and reprogramming will probably be done, but judging by other members experiences, I don't think this will be the end of this! One thought/question; Has anybody installed a battery low voltage shutoff switch? From what I found on the web, these will monitor battery voltage and if voltage drops below a preset value, they will disconnect the battery from the car, thereby keeping battery from going totally flat. Then you can reset it upon finding it tripped and still have enough juice to get started.
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