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Posts posted by clidaw

  1. Just got ours yesterday. Bought the car around 20 October 2012 in the Indianapolis area. We've been getting in the general area of the original claimed mileage (47mpg) since the weather warmed up, so this is like free money. That is always a good thing.

  2. That is exactly what I've been experiencing this week on my 13-mile commute. 40-41 on the way to work and well over 50 on the way back (at least on Tuesday and Wednesday). I was attributing the difference to the wind, but maybe difference in temperatures from the high 50's in the morning to the high 70's-low 80's in the afternoon also played a role. It sure is a far cry from those mid 30's I've been getting since the start of winter.

    The warmer weather is definitely making a big difference in the MPG.  During the CT. winter I've been getting mid 30's on the trip to work and mid 40's on the way home (15 miles each way same path) averaging between 38 and 39 MPG over multiple tank fill ups.  Not sure if its cold mornings vs. warmer afternoons or more traffic on the way home slowing me down...either way today (temp in the 50-60 degree range) I got 40.2 MPG on the way to work (which is an all time record for me) but on the way home...brace yourselves...I got 58.6 MPG!!!  As you could imagine I was very pleased with that number. I'm finally averaging (at least on this one round trip to work) above the elusive 47 MPG.  Also I have about 5200 miles on the car so It's broken in by now.

    Had to brag!


  3. I usually use Speedway for gas, since the station is just around the corner from our house. We did use Costco last Saturday because it was 45 cents cheaper than the Speedway station. That top tier information was interesting though, so I may go with a convenient shell station and see how it goes.

  4. I've taken 13-mile trips (mix of city and freeway) in temperatures of less than 10 when the battery never came on despite a full charge, or only came on for a minute or two. Leaving the car outside overnight doesn't help the cause either, but I have no choice on that one since we only have room for one car and I leave for work an hour earlier than my wife. I have gotten over 40 during those days when the temperatures have been over 50, so I'm definitely looking forward to Spring.

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