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  1. I will try to show a picture - in case it doesn't load.... I used some plumbers putty and sealed it down the bottom of the left side of the windshield. It worked! It appears the water can now find a path to the wheel well and not the floor or my feet.
  2. I share the wet driver's side floor. I did notice that it looks as though water should run down the side of the windshield and drain essentially in the wheel well. It looks as though, some putty type material might be missing - saw it on the passenger side. I used some plumbers putty to try to divert the water to the outside edge. I'm just not sure it helped. I'll post results. There are some other posts/subjects on this site - search wet floor or footwell (I think).
  3. I found water under my carpet on driver's seat - steering wheel on left side. 2015 Attached is a pic of the fresh air cowling (I believe that's what you call the cowling). Could you point out where I should look? I don't see anything that would resemble a hole - looks like any liquid would drain to the edges. I am tempted to apply some caulk at the base of the windshield. BTW - on a right side driving model, does that mean the heater core (traditional passenger side items) move to the left?
  4. I did a little more research - on this forum - and read a possible solution. As I understand it, when the system is in "recirc" the fan pulls air from the cabin without going past the filter. I may have sucked something up from the passenger floor. It was suggested to hold the door open with a screwdriver and then I may be able to vacuum out the squirrel cage of the fan. Another day under the dash. When I try it, I'll let you know.
  5. All of a sudden - like from going into a store and returning in a few minutes - i noticed a sound of a imbalance in the fan. When I manually speed it up the entire dashboard and center counsel start to vibrate. I assume something found its way into the squirrel cage of my fan. I removed the cabin filter and there was quite a bit of leaves, etc on the difty side of the filter. Using the wet and dry vac, I sucked out the clean side of the duct hoping it would clear anything back to the fan. Didn't seem to help. I assume the filter is at the inlet of the fan - right? For something to get to the fan, it would have to get by the filter - am I wrong? Is there a reasonable way to get to the fan? Or at least to get a vacuum hose to it? What I've seen on YouTube is quite involved. Thanks - John
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