Two weeks ago I leased an SE with the 202A package for an MSRP of $26,450. The C-Max replaced a 2010 Toyota Corolla that had 7 months left on the lease. The dealer bought out the lease and the car from Toyota for $10,800 and then allowed me $3,300 because of the appraised value and applied it to the lease. Cap cost was the MSRP of $26,450 and residual value is $17,460. In addition to the $3,300 for the the Toyota the dealer rebate of $1,250 was also applied to the lease for a total down of $4,550. The lease term is 2 years at 10,500 miles per year. I opted for Ford's single payment lease that has a money factor of .01%. Aquisition and DOC fees were $863. I paide d $5100 for the lease which would be $212.50 per month..