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  1. will be going on a extended camping trip but the plan right now is to arrive late on night 1 and will most likely be raining. My plan is to pop the hatch a cpl degrees (tie it down so doesn't full open) secure a cpl tarps (magnets and rope) and sleep with feet sticking out back.... but only issue/question is I want to be able to turn car off and not have any lights on or any power draining (have a fan so I don't need anything from car except shelter from rain), my original plan was to disconnect the battery under the hood for the whole weekend. is this I viable option to insure my car will start up at end of weekend while being able to have door(s) open all night/long time? I have never owned a hybrid before and don't want car to run off of battery in back and cause damage to it? thank you in advance for any advice I have a 2015 Hybrid if that make any difference
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