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  1. Greetings to you and thanks for the welcome. I too have arrived at 'just driving the darned thing' in the city. However, I'm about to embark on my first long distance trip; lasting 12 hours; and wanted to maximize MPG. So, I've been reading you; the experts, to gain valuable insight. A month ago, I decided to leave my OBDLink BT adapter in the wife's car and get a new OBD Wi-Fi for the trip. Didn't wanna step on the bluetooth channel for car audio and other BT functions. I had the scare of my life. Off topic I know but... I had scantool's app on my android and was running at 60 MPH. This was the third driving cycle for the Wi-Fi adapter. Suddenly, the car throws an error on the dash urging me to pull off safely. I thought I had power but NO, I had to glide to a stop off the shoulder. Freaked out a bit, with the South Florida idiots whizzing by, I quickly shut the car off, unplugged the Wi-Fi adapter, waited another minute, and restarted the c-max. Thankfully, I drove off without incident. The folks at scantool had me perform the all-popular adapter reset; and I've been fine since. I don't seem to have many PIDs with OBDLink; may have to boot up Torque and give it a shot. I would have thought I'd get more insight into the vehicle as compared to my old '03 Expy. Anyway, thanks for the info. Clearly, you are a master of the c-max. I'm still havin' too much fun saving 180 bucks a month on fuel :) mike
  2. Hello all, I know our treasured C-Max has been disco'd by Ford but thought I'd throw in my findings. Model Year/Make: 2018 Titanium (absolutely no mods) Current Odo: 13,500 (had it for six months now). In town stats: computer says I'm pushing 54 MPG (since about the second day; quick learner being a solar nerd with knowledge of batts and power generation systems). Let me set the highway stage: Location: South Florida Highway: Florida's Turnpike (hilly due to overpasses) Date: 12/16/18 (around 14:00) Temp: 78 (is this really Winter?) So, I embarked on a 60 mile trip to see the kid. Put the dash into the Empower mode (never really watched it before). After about 10 miles of being around 70 MPH, the battery bank was around 75% SOC. I was getting about 40.3 MPH. Started tapping "-" on the cruise control, one-by-one. At 69 MPH, the MPG rating started increasing slowly. After a few minutes, it got up to 41. Tapped down to 68 then 67 (within a few seconds). I let 'er run for about 15 miles and watched the MPG rating hit 45. I left the cruise there and just about the time I got off the pike, the MPG rating was at 49. I did very little to the pedal when I hit the hills. I strategically increased speed just coming to the top of each hill to ensure the ICE remained running for the downhill segment; then very slowly backed off the pedal to ensure I wouldn't fall into EV mode. I was successful most of those times. When not, I simply worked the pedal to quickly light the back ICE up. I'm confident our Ford Engineers did, in fact, incorporate all your wishes and desires into the code under which I'm running now. Bravo. Sad to see Ford discontinuing the model. They'll be sorry. mike
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