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Posts posted by BalutFX

  1. We've had this same problem off and on for years.  First brought to our local Ford dealer way before the warranty ran out, but the answer was always, the code is no longer active, so reset and see if it returns.  That last time it happened (right before the 100,000 mile warranty ran out), the answer was "can't help you".  We even complained to Ford and got nowhere.  And to make it worse, they charged me $$$ to "diagnose" problem.  Well, the problem is back and we are now at 104,000 miles.  My wife suggested that Ford would fix it this time, since we had a "history".  I'm 100% confident they will not, and will likely not even bother taking it in to spend more $$$ to "diagnose" the problem.  They stopped producing this vehicle and seem content to just let us complain on forums about their refusal to fix a common issue, because there are too few of us to damage their reputation.  Yes, I am venting, but this is the only "satisfaction" we will get.

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