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Everything posted by russellbond

  1. Plus 3... you may have already answered this one... but what FORScan adapter are you using? I'd need to go with the iOS version of FORScan... the, so far limited, research I've done on it sounds like there are only a very limited number of adapters that will work properly with FORScan. And which is a reliable outlet to purchase said adaptor... as there are many "clones" that are not fully compatible.
  2. ... thx. Plus 3... I'll do the test... but I doubt they did the Battery Reset as they weren't "aware" that it needed to be done. Thx for the response.
  3. ... not to throw a monkey wrench in this discussion... but we just had our 12v replaced at the dealership and when I asked about resetting (re-syncing?) the computer with the new battery, the service dude looked at me like I was nuts. He said "no such thing on these cars (2016 C-Max E)... you're thinking of the BMW's" and I pressed him on it a bit but he stuck to his word... he'd "never heard of that". After reading several posts here re this reset procedure... I'm tempted to call a different Service Center and ask them about it. If this were a "thing" I would imagine that it would be part of the standard service practice for battery replacement. They don't automatically do this procedure when a new battery is installed?
  4. I just want to take a moment to acknowledge this forum... particularly this thread... and say that this is a perfect example of what makes these kinds of discussion groups so valuable. Serious props to all who posted on this topic... I learned a tremendous amount about our newly acquired 2016 C-MaxE... which had the dead battery issue right after leaving the dealer floor... classic. Popped a charger on the terminals (after suspecting the FOB batteries were the fault) and away we went back to the dealer. Not necessarily "happy" about it... but knowledge is everything... and you all provided a TON of it... thanks!
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