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  1. Its most noticeable in the morning when the car is cold, because its more likely to launch from stop without the electric motor (which is used once the battery is charged.) It will make the noise even when the car is warm, but when the engine is running at lowest possible rpm. Like for instance, when creeping in bumper to bumper traffic after the battery has been spent. It does kinda feel like an unsteady idle, perhaps, but there is a mild "burble" noise. If revving the ICE, launching at a normal speed, there is nothing amiss. I wish the people who had cvt failures had posted some sound files to compare with. I checked with Ford and my car still has four months of warranty. I certainly will take it in for a checkup and to see if anything can be done.
  2. I've had my 2014 CMAX SEL for almost 15K miles, its still below 80K. I am asking my questions now while there is still hope warranty might cover a potential issue. The car doesn't have any of the hallmark cvt failure noises. No bumping, rubbing, grinding or whining noises. EV mode is always smooth. However, when I'm just creeping along in traffic using the ICE, and its at idle speed, say first thing in the morning when the engine is still cold, the engine/cvt seems to make a mild "burble" sound. If I give the engine just a little juice to get it out of idle, its smooth sailing without anything out of ordinary. The car has been this way the entire time I've owned it. Because it doesn't have any of the halmark cvt noises, I haven't been too concerned. I don't think its a cvt noise. What I hear might be something like an unsteady idle because of mild vaccum leak. Because I didn't have the car when new, I don't know if its normal. When switching from EV to ICE at low idle, the system sounds "loose" for a better word. Or like the ICE is trying to idle too low when creeping and isn't completely smooth when running at lowest possible rpm. Ive checked the motor mounts, they are solid, so I don't think its that. Also the half shafts don't have any up/down play, only a tiny bit of in/out. I don't think thats the issue and dont see any leaks. Any ideas? I am afraid to take it to a Ford dealership for an "exploratory", but I also want to be safe if there is an issue. If other CMAX have what I describe at low idle ICE when just creeping along, it would put my mind at ease. OTH, these noises are not hallmark of failing cvt afaik, and its been like this for 15k miles. So if not a cvt issue, then what? I'm probably just being paranoid.
  3. I know the suspension is from Focus, but there is a CMAX specific clearance issue. Does anyone have a pdf from the service manual that shows the procedure? There is a small box with electrical connectors in the space where the upper rear control arm bolt needs to be backed out. Its probably part of the hybrid system. Need to figure out how to remove this box or if subframe needs to be dropped.
  4. I read there are terminals in the engine bay. Is it pos to pos, neg to neg,... or neg to chassis x 2. Any chance of damaging?
  5. The locksmith was a jerk and didn't want to help. They screwed up cutting the key and had to order a new blank which probably put them in a foul mood. They basically stole $65 from me because the junior tech didn't know the proper procedure.
  6. Bought car with one admin key. Had an OEM ebay key programmed at locksmith. It works, but speed limited to 80mph. In the menu it says the car has 3 admin keys, 0 mykeys??? Any way to make this into an admin key? Locksmith says they cant do anything.
  7. These are either overtorqued, frozen, or deformed. Sadly I've set an appointment with dealership to remove and replace. They agreed to use aftermarket part. Hopefully I can manage to do them myself to save trip to the dealer.
  8. Cannot get lug nuts off new to me car. They are swollen 19mm ALUMINUM lugs afaict. Tapped socket onto lug, but it wont turn, need more torque. Looking for factory lug wrench that I can "foot". No spare tire , cannot find lug wrench, assuming there is no lug wrench from factory. It is missing or hidden in a crevice somewhere? What a stupid, stupid, stupid design.
  9. I guess i cant complain too much about 44mpg avg in middle of winter...but is it normal for car to say you are averaging 47, but only get 44? I notice that in the morning, the first 15 minutes drags the average down. When motor is cold, it runs constantly, the battery fills up relatively quickly, but until the motor is warm, it doesnt really do much pure ev. The battery is realatively full, it not until later in the trip that ot goes long stretches of ev. That said, when i turn off, about half of the miles are ev miles. If car is already warm and im doing short trip between stores, it might be 75% ev. Hope everything is ok.
  10. Purchased a 2014 SEL and it came with one MyKey. It is a 3 button variety with a physical key hidden in the base. Since remote start probably is handled in software, is there a way to purchase a 4-button key with remote start capability, and enable remote start? Also, where is the best place to purchase a replacement Ford key, either 3-btn or 4-btn depending if I can get remote start activated. Can any locksmith copy the physical key or is that only done through Ford? https://www.amazon.com/KeylessOption-Keyless-Remote-Lincoln-M3N5WY8609/dp/B07KB784KK/ref=sxbs_sxwds-stvp?cv_ct_cx=ford+mykey&keywords=ford+mykey&pd_rd_i=B07KB784KK&pd_rd_r=39b4bba7-cc1a-4960-83a1-837617e905ca&pd_rd_w=EK65U&pd_rd_wg=Zebgr&pf_rd_p=a6d018ad-f20b-46c9-8920-433972c7d9b7&pf_rd_r=B1F8J30P452CPDHSZCBY&psc=1&qid=1579981879&sr=1-2-dd5817a1-1ba7-46c2-8996-f96e7b0f409c
  11. Wondering if the electric motor recaptures energy (works like a generator) while braking?
  12. I bought a 2014 cmax SEL with the moonroof. I never looked before, but it appears that the sliding apparatus is a piece of cloth. Not completely light blocking. Is mine missing a piece, or is this just how it is? On hot days, it seems like the sun could beat down through the top and heat up the interior.
  13. I just test drove a 2014 and it had weird drivetrain noise at 70K. The other ones I drove were much quieter. IDK if it was the start of bearing failure, but I've been scared off this car. The ones in good condition are in the neighborhood price of a Prius V. And we know they won't last as long.
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