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  1. I have the exact same problem in my 2013 Cmax energi. I have the jerking when braking and I figured it was trying to regenerate and the Ford garage has told me a cell or two or more in the traction battery are bad. So when the battery management system trie s to charge the battery there is an issue while braking that causes the issues. I had only experienced the wrench and engine but recently I have had the triangle and today stopped on highway exit. I could not get it to turn on so I disconnected the 12 volt battery and reconnected and was able to have traction battery get me off the highway exit. All lights remain and I am concerned to drive as if it happens in the middle of a busy road it could be much worse. I had my hazards on and then they stopped working. This is a Ford Safety issue. Did you find anything out from your Cmax expert.
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