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  • JAZ

  1. To the people who pulled fuses in this thread; did your sync reboot after pulling any of the aforementioned fuses? I have been trying to locate the sync fuse. Unfortunately the C-Max appears to be the only car where the sync fuse is not expressly labeled in the owners manual.
  2. My ipod touch was working seamlessly with the sync speech commands, until about 2 weeks ago. Now it says "speech commands not available with this device." It still charges, but I can't control it with voice commands, and since the ipod still thinks it is connected to sync I can't even use the manual commands. Now to play my ipod I must put on a playlist or artist, then plug it into the usb, and I can only move back and forth throughout the playlist. After reading the sync forum it appears that the correct fix is to pull the fuse to reset the sync, but I am unsure which fuse controls the sync module. Other vehicle manuals have the sync module listed under the fuse list, but my c max manual has no such thing. Does anybody know which fuse controls the sync module in the c max?
  3. Today I needed to work on a 30 page law review article for school, and had no access to any libraries due to it being a Sunday in the middle of Spring Break, so I decided to use my C-Max hybrid as a car office. I slid my chair all the way back, the wheel all the way forward, plugged my laptop into the AC outlet, and parked outside of a McDonald's to use their free wi-fi. It worked great, I had plenty of room for my laptop, used the top of the console as a mouse pad, and had all my pens and research materials within an arms reach. This car makes a perfect mobile office! My question is that since the car was running, the ICE charging the battery then the battery taking over until it runs low when the ICE kicks in again, if this could possibly be bad for the car (particularly the battery)? I would really like to know because it worked so great I am tempted to do this all the time (sometimes I just can't get any work done with the kids running all over the house), but would like to make sure that I am not damaging my car, or prematurely killing the battery, in the process.
  4. I recently lost my asthma inhaler, only to realize a few days later that it had slipped onto that little shelf below the usb port, and was completely out of sight when looking into the console! Now I have 2 inhalers, one for my car, and one for home.
  5. While cleaning out my car today I noticed the 110v AC inverter outlet in the backseat area for the first time. What kinds of things can I plug in here? It would be cool if I could plug my laptop charger into it, but I want to be sure I'm not going to fry my laptop before I try it first.
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