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  1. I definitely have that battery drain where the car doesn't start. Ford typically installs a new 12v and its good for 6 to 12 months. They've told me that if I want to find out why it'll cost me $150 for a proper diagnosis. However, their diagnoses have been faulty in the past on many occasions so I just grin and bear it. Four months ago when I had it in the shop for another dead 12v, Ford mentioned the update because my Sync had stopped working. They said they knew about that problem but it was going to cost $200 to reset everything. I didn't have much of a choice since my screen was dead. Seems the drain is still there, though. Plus the drain on my Visa account!
  2. Interesting, and thank you. I've been having to replace my 12v battery every 6 to 12 months. Ford a;ways says they saw nothing wrong. The fact that it is ongoing tells me there is something else happening, something that is causing the battery to go bad. PS. It has 248K miles on it so problems are not unexpected. On the other hand, this has been happening since I bought the car with 71K miles.
  3. My daughter has my 2013 Cmax Energi and is reporting a strange problem with locking the door. She claims the key fob will only lock the doors when the vehicle is running. Has anyone ever heard of this? Unfortunately I am a thousand miles away or I'd have more information to provide! Thanks Daniel
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