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  1. Update on this: I bought a set of injectors ($33 total). Took it to a shop asking him to look at it and described what I'd learned on these forums and the YouTube videos, he dismissed what I had to say, said injectors would be a "super expensive part," said it must be the sparkplugs. I mentioned I already had the injectors, he said I'd want to return them, I left them with the car anyway. After no communication for two days, he says the spark plugs didn't fix it, admitted he would try the injectors. No communication for two more days, including stopping by once and he shooed me away. Finally get a call today. Says the injectors fixed it. Asks for $630 for labor and the spark plugs. I could've done it myself in an hour or two and not had to deal with this guy. Don't go to a mechanic for this issue if you've got the tools! I can only imagine how much he would've charged for the injector parts had I not brought my own.
  2. I’ve uploaded a video recording of the symptom: https://youtu.be/ob8i2P5-U-Q Towards the end, 1:20->, the whole car is shaking from the front nearly violently, and that’s while regen braking from low speeds (which is what makes me uncertain whether it’s just the injectors and not also transmission).
  3. Hi! I just bought a used 2013 C-Max with 117k miles on it and suddenly got a check engine light and new grumbling sound at some accelerations. The OBD is reporting injector circuit malfunction and misfires. It sounds like some other folks have had injector issues too, is injector replacement the straightforward solution? Or could I also have the transmission or other things to worry about that the OBD isn't figuring out? I've avoided driving it since I got this issue two days ago, how worried should I be about driving it until I get it into a shop? ============1============== P0201 Raw code: 0201 ECU: Engine control unit Status: Confirmed OBDII: Injector 1 - circuit malfunction Ford: Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder #1 ============2============== P0301 Raw code: 0301 ECU: Engine control unit Status: Confirmed OBDII: Cylinder 1 - misfire detected Ford: Cylinder #1 Misfire Detected ============3============== P0201(00) Raw code: 020100 ECU: Engine control unit Status: Pending, Confirmed, Test failed since last DTC clear, Test not completed during this operation cycle, Warning indicator requested OBDII: Injector 1 - circuit malfunction Ford: Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder #1 ============4============== P0301(00) Raw code: 030100 ECU: Engine control unit Status: Pending, Confirmed, Test failed since last DTC clear, Test not completed during this operation cycle, Warning indicator requested OBDII: Cylinder 1 - misfire detected Ford: Cylinder #1 Misfire Detected ============5============== P0316(00) Raw code: 031600 ECU: Engine control unit[Archive (inactive)] Status: Confirmed, Test failed since last DTC clear, Test not completed during this operation cycle OBDII: Misfire detected during start-up - first 1000 revolutions ============6==============
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