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Posts posted by NYC CMax

  1. Discovered a damp / soggy drivers side carpet and have been going mad trying to find the source.


    Approximately July 2020 felt damp in the carpet, a few weeks later felt a drip of water on my left foot while driving.

    I sort of ignored the problem because I wasn't driving very much, but recently when cleaning the car realized there was enough water that the carpet was frozen to the mat! 


    I have cleaned and cleared the drain holes located on the left and right corners of the windshield. 

    I have checked the scuttle and haven't seen any cracks or indication of damage.

    I have run a hose over the windshield and not seen any signs of where the water is coming from in the inside.


    I really don't want to go to the mechanic and pay for them to chase the leak. Any suggestions?

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