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Everything posted by SnowStorm

  1. Hey, why do some of you guys specify "no moonroof"? You think they're "dorky", ruin your mileage or what? Jus' wonder'n... (but I do like the other extra info!) This weekend's going to be my big push for a 600+ tank - pano-roof and all! Will be SE, E0, 87, will have to check the pressure, stock.
  2. Quite certain I've experienced the same thing - you can easily make slight overcorrections. If there is ever a "fix", I would want to get it - even though it usually goes unnoticed.
  3. It is so much more relaxing now in the C-Max when sitting at lights or stuck in traffic. The inefficiency of the "old days" bugged me more than the lost time.
  4. Thanks! That place is awesome. I had heard that they could build different models but had no idea the change-over could be so quick. My wife and I were watching it when our daughter walked by - just kept going with the comment, "you guys are obsessed with your car!" Really? I wonder why she said that? It wasn't the first time though - and probably not the last! If the national gathering lets us meet Godzilla, then we really gotta come!
  5. I would agree that round trips should be used to show the cars "capability". But the trip summary right there in front of you every shutdown just pulls you in! Maybe some day there will be an automatic "round trip summary" that goes back to the last time you were at the same point - no matter how many stops/starts were in between. EV+ already has to log the location of stops. For now, it seems the best "proof" would be photos at both the beginning and end of round trips showing SOC at the same (or higher) point.
  6. Now I'm wondering at what speed the C-Max would get the best possible mileage - flat road, no wind, etc and what that mileage would be. I've read that "normal" cars get the best mileage around 45 mph. It should be a lot less for the C-Max. Someone needs to find a track, set ECO CC (it works at least down to 20 mph) and go 10 miles at various speeds to find out.
  7. Hate to be "picky" but you can't "average" MPG values like we're used to doing (mpg1 + mpg2)/2. You have to take the reciprocals and average those then flip it back over. So you get 1/[(1/95.5 + 1/38.5)/2] = 54.9 mpg. Or written more simply, 2/(1/95.5 + 1/38.5) = 54.9. The correct value, unfortunately, always comes out lower. And, of course, the distance has to be the same for both or its still wrong. Now if we used L/100km (like Laurel does) then you could do it the "normal" way and it works. Just another reason why we should use L/100km!
  8. Only want to go forward to an Energi or pure electric. I normally drive the Lexus to work (only 7 mile RT) and it bugs me no end to brake and think of all that energy just going to waste heat! And all that down-shifting in the Honda gave me a Fit (but it is a nice little car). The C-Max type transmission is really just one mechanical "gear", and with the nearly silent engine starts/stops, the car just runs on with no "shifting". No, wouldn't want to go back to any previous car - not even the Rambler American with the "flat head" six, 3-speed on the column, "let of the gas to shift" overdrive and maybe 20 mpg!
  9. I hate those reflections too. Glad to hear the paint worked but would prefer some kind of walnut burl overlay! Shucks, an all wood dash would be even better. Love wood - even more than snow. At some point that chrome has got to go.
  10. Completed another 500 mile trip this past weekend with the following results (2 people and non-ethanol gas). - Trip "out": 46.7 mpg - about half at 65 mph, the rest at 55 with a bunch of stops, ECO CC, 1400 feet overall drop, light A/C most of the way. - Trip "back": 42.1 mpg - same speeds, ECO CC, 1400 feet overall rise, little A/C, a bunch of rain. First hour of return trip at 55 mph (mostly) with a bunch of stops, little A/C and no rain gave 47.7 mpg! (So what are all the "reporters" whining about?) Overall trip was 500.1 miles, 101.3 EV, 43.9 mpg, 11.37 gal. Really love doing this whole trip on one tank!!! :wub2: Lifetime now at 43.5 mpg with 1408 miles and 417 EV. Very impressed with the A/C and the small amount of power (once cooled down) that is indicated on the climate graph. Checked the odometer with mile posts for 3 ten mile sections and all indicated about 2% slow. So I guess I can jack up the numbers by 2%.
  11. +3 Thanks so much for this link. Looks a lot more interesting than the owners manual. Now, if someone could just find the BSFC graph...
  12. Best trip so far. :) Yes, it was down hill about 300ft drop overall (0.6% grade) but it is too much fun just seeing these numbers.
  13. SnowStorm

    2012 05 16 86.4mpg

    From the album: SS

  14. And why did the ducks cross the road? To make it to the fordcmaxhybridforum! :hysterical:
  15. Coqui frogs are really brown - not green.
  16. The answer to the topic's title is yes, but not by introducing at a different time of year (although that may have helped). The controversy could have been avoided by building a "poor" hybrid instead of a "better" one. "Better" means one that can go faster and accelerate faster on the electric motor alone - which is exactly what you want in a hybrid. This capability, I believe, is the cause of the "discrepancy" between EPA ratings and certain expectations. You won't get 47 mpg at 75 mph with A/C. Drive the EPA cycle under the same conditions and you should exceed 47 mpg since the ratings are adjusted down in an attempt to compensate for all the other "real world" variables. Problem is, the EPA tests, calculations and compensation factors were developed for the "lousy" cars and "poor" hybrids of the past not Ford's better hybrids. Its not Ford's fault, they built a better hybrid - I like cars that are "ahead of their time" - everyone else can just go play catch-up. And BTW, I would take an EPA rating (with all its deficiencies) any day over any of those vague, unverifiable, possibly self serving "reports" out there. Ford built a better car and got better EPA ratings as a result. Period. Please, let's stop blaming Ford for doing a good job.
  17. Tree? I thought it was kudzu! I wonder what it takes to strip all the leaves... I'll let you try it first! :stirpot:
  18. I've heard a rather soft but distinct clunk several times when going over a bump or dip in the road. I think it is in the back but not at all sure. Haven't tried to investigate yet.
  19. So, would one of those cold weather engine heaters help? Plug it in at home and then start off with a warm engine. The other morning hit on mileage could be EV+. It runs the battery lower than usual coming home but (pay me now or pay me later) you then have to charge it that much more next morning. I hope EV+ really is an overall "plus" - it seems like a cool feature.
  20. Welcome and congrat's on the new car! Plenty of advice here. We've only had our SE a couple of weeks - I think it is more important to get off the gas and brake easy when stopping than it is to baby the acceleration. Once the engine starts, I often go ahead and punch it a bit just to enjoy the acceleration. The average on our second tank is now over 45 mpg. Have fun.
  21. Then I wonder if pure gasoline versus 10% ethanol (E10) makes any difference to the comparison. "The government" says E10 gives 3 to 4% less mileage. ( http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/ethanol.shtml ). But I don't know if the car's computer compensates for the difference.
  22. Seriously, I had forgotten all about My View! When I first saw this topic I started hoping it wasn't just an SEL thing. I went out and set it to Power+Threshold and coolant temp. I'll want to see RPM for curiosity and I'm sure I'll switch it around a lot. As others have said, wish you could put something else on the right besides kudzu and compass. BTW, I think the compass looks cool but wish it turned smoothly instead of jumping 45 degrees - lame.
  23. Also, the TDI forces you to replace the timing belt (C-Max has a chain) periodically which adds significant cost to long term ownership. (Of course for a lease or short term ownership it just becomes someone else's cost.) The dealer quoted $1100 so that is 1.1 cents per mile or about an extra 45 cents per gallon! Add in the higher cost of diesel and the C-Max probably comes out ahead even on 100% Interstate. My wife and I tried two JSWs before going with the C-Max SE. Never tried a Prius.
  24. My View, My View, My View, Talkin' 'bout My View.... help, help, someone stop me...
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