Just pick-up our C-max from the dealer tonight. LOL when the car delivery guy took us outside to give us our car. It wouldn't even turn over, dash light didn't even go on. Guy was like hummm, i tell him, this seems to be an on going problem with these cars. He says, we have only sold 2, so we haven't heard about it. We go inside, and the manager says, lets boost it and see. It started right up. Car had only 50 miles, and had been sitting in a dealer lot in Ontario, and had been trucker to my dealer in Quebec this week for us, since these babies aren't stocked much yet. So probably since these batteries are weak, it needs a charge. I told him, i would give it a chance, and let them know. All seems find, we did another 50m tonight. Had 12.3v when i got home. Put on my trickle charger tonight to bring her back up