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Riddley Walker

Hybrid Member
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  1. I love the keyless entry! Never had this before and it makes me smile whenever I use it. Last week I couldn't locate either of my FOBs. (unfortunately, this is not unusual - but that is another story). Anyway, I was able to locate it finally when I walked up to the car with one of my equipment packs in hand. When the door responded, I knew it was in that pack. The more interesting thing I discovered was that the other FOB was in the pocket of my jacket inside the car. Not thinking that it is a good idea to allow the doors to shut - locked with the key inside, I looked this feature up in the manual. If I understand correctly, if you leave the car with locked doors and the car detects only one FOB - and that FOB is inside the car, then the doors will unlock within a few seconds, and the car will chirp at you. Since I had a locked car with a FOB inside, I concluded that the car must have detected the other FOB in the pack in my hand when I left the car. Still - love that keyless entry feature!
  2. Riddley Walker


    Hi C-Maxer! Congratulations on your new red ride. Like you, I just took delivery of a red one. I have about 500+ miles on it and just refilled the tank. I studied and compared and it came down to either the C-MAX or a Buick Encore. The most essential criteria to me was the seat. I've had some back problems and needed to be sitting upright. One day driving a sedan puts me in a world of hurt. I've been driving a truck for the last 10 years due to that. I really like how high I can put the seat in both the C-MAX and Encore. I really liked the trim of the Encore. However, in the end my decision was based on MPG and utility. You get a lot more utility in the C-MAX over the Encore, and (hopefully) about 12-15 more MPGs. It doesn't hurt that Ford has done a fair job at sound control in the C-MAX - nearly as good as Buick with the Encore. I'm finding the C-MAX to be a comfortable car to drive. Because I'm into tech, I like all the toys (gauges and MFT) to explore in the CMAX. I've read a lot of complaints in some forums about MFT, but it hasn't been a problem for me. Riddley
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