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Everything posted by Hippie'sMom

  1. The neighbor kid and his dad had come in from the prom 10 minutes earlier, so real disaster was averted. Could have been tragedy. I hope the insurance company doesn't do wrong by me. After seeing the t-boned car, I am worried about it being totaled too. Or getting it back and not driving right.
  2. Car going 40 struck my parked C-Max and smooshed it into my parked PT, damaging it also. Pix in General discussion. Hope I am not totalled. My driver ran--leaving his minivan (which I am sure they will report stolen).
  3. My street parked C-Max was plowed into by a drunk driver (who ran) 3 am Sunday morning. BOTH my C-Max and PT Cruiser parked in front of it were moved forward a complete car length + a foot or 2. A Nissan minivan hit it and was abandoned, horn blaring and impounded by the cops. Hauled to the Ford dealer today. Less than 500 miles on her. Hope they can get her back to me in reasonable shape. The PT is driveable at least--glad I held on to it. Filled it up for the first time since October--the C-Max has been great for saving PT gas too :shift:
  4. I have an Ice Storm SEL I bought in mid-October. I jokingly call it Hippie (as in nice hybrid--hippie!) and have been please. I am a short distance driver--less than 4 miles to work, so the mileage has been in the 30s in this cold February and March in NC. Was doing much better when the sun was shining and the battery was warm! I expect to see better mileage come April and real warmth. I have the first trip of any note next month, so I am looking forward to seeing how I do on long highway stretches.
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