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Hybrid Member
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  1. Just got our C-Max SE (the most basic model, using an actual key) last Saturday 3/31. Drove it all over town, fell in love with it, and on Thursday took it for a short getaway (about 5 hours driving each way). Returned yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, parked the car in the garage, and got up to a dead battery this morning. A dead battery on the 8th day of owning a car is not what you could call starting off on the right foot. Called Ford Roadside Assistance -- excellent service, by the way -- and they arrived within 30 minutes to jump it. The technician told my husband that he jumps hybrid batteries all the time and on all makes of cars -- Toyotas, Hondas, all the big names. He said this was actually the first time he's jumped a Ford hybrid. All we can do is try to make sure we follow some of the tips I've seen on the forum today, make sure we have one of those nifty jumper things, and hope for the best.
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