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  1. I got 60Kon first set but only have 45K on 2nd set and they need replacing. Have kept tire pressure at about 42psi. Thinking of switching to Defender T+H (they are rated at 80K) but am undecided.
  2. 2013 CMax owner. Got 60K on first set of Michelin Energy Saver A/S but only 45K on 2nd set (always rotate on schedule). Time for new tires. Thinking is switching to Defender T+H to get more mileage. Good or bad idea? Anyone have experience with Defenders on a Cmax? Hope to not loose to much in mpg or comfort but Defenders are rated at 80K. Thanks!
  3. I am in Michigan and I have noticed a dramatic drop in my CMax SEL mpg's in the cold (below 25 degrees) temps. I consistently get 44 to 48 mpg on my 16 mile ride to work in the summer (even hit over 50mpg a few time). In the cold weather it has dropped to about 38mpg. This is more of a drop than expected. Would everyone say this is a 'normal' drop in mpg? I have pics below of trip summary in the summer and winter for the my trip to work.
  4. dijman

    DIJ CMax

    DIJ CMax
  5. I am about to purchase a C-MAX SEL. I was wondering what the difference between the SYNC w/MFT (which is standard) and the SYNC w/MFT with NAV and Sony audio. Specifically will the album artwork when playing my iPod still show up on the screen if I just get the SYNC w/MFT (standard) or do I need to get the NAV, SONY sound upgrade? (Also, any comments on the Sony sound upgrade would be appreciated.) Thanks.
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