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Everything posted by Disluvr

  1. Can anyone tell me if INFANT rear facing car seats fit in the back seat of a C Max SEL with leg room in the front passenger side?
  2. This is a great site. Thank you everyone for answering my other questions. I thought I was decided to get the SEL with the 302A package but after thinking about it, I don't know if it's worth $3000 more. So I'm sorry but I have a couple of more questions: What is "My Key"? What is "My Touch Ford and Sirius Pkg"? I don't think I need Sirius. What is the sync with My Ford Touch? Does the "Winter Package" come with heated cloth seats and the heated side mirrors? What is the reverse sensing system vs a rear camera? I really like the push button start (spoiled from my Prius) and the rear camera but is it worth paying $3000 more? It seems like you know more than the salesmen so thank you again. Bev
  3. I am so confused reading this. Can't decide whether to get the C-Max or a Prius. I have a 2008 Prius with 73000 miles on it and it's in great shape. Would it pay me to lease or would I be better off trading it in and purchasing the CMax? I was worried about the cargo space in the CMax. It didn't seem as large as the Prius. Worried about luggage when I travel. Also, when I test drove the CMAX SE yesterday, I thought the gas pedal was pretty close to the brake and that had me concerned. Did anyone else think that? Any suggestions. I can't get the CMax out of my mind.
  4. Seriously thinking about buying the CMax and trading in my 2008 Prius. Took a CMax out for 2 hours today. My hubby has a 2010 Prius with the technology package and loves his Prius. His comment about the CMax was that he couldn't get his golf clubs in the trunk space of the CMax as he can in his Prius without putting the seats down. He disliked the CMax alot and also thought the cloth seats looked very cheap. Also, I love to travel and wasn't sure how much luggage I could fit in the CMax with the seats up. How many 28" pieces of luggage would fit? Is it easy to put a baby in a car seat in the CMAX vs a Prius? Other than that and concerned about the mileage, I really enjoyed driving the CMax. I love sitting higher. Does anyone find a problem with lack of space in the cargo area with the seats up? What are your thoughts? Is my hubby right?
  5. Hi I have a 2008 Prius getting about 44 mpg. I've been thinking about trading it in for a CMax but reading alot of reviews about the CMax getting poor mileage. What is the true MPG on the CMax? Anything special that I need to know or look for in possibly purchasing one? What kind of warranty do they have? Why did you get yours and do you like it? Sorry for all the questions.
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