Has anyone seen the instrument lights get brighter and dimmer as you drive - all on their own? Or am I just ignorant about something? We've been riding for several hours (SE model), parking lights on, instrument lights fully dimmed (usual position) and I decide to switch the left screen to Fuel History. Fine. After several minutes I look down and see the car switch to EV and the instrument lights suddenly get brighter! A few minutes later they go dim again. This happened several times. I checked the dimmer setting and it was always at minimum. I hadn't been on this screen for ages and had never seen this happen before - on other screens. Was this some programmers "easter egg" to highlight going into EV? Only on this screen? But no, at other times EV came on with no change in dimming. I tried other screens and came back to Fuel History. It happened again. I never saw it happen on another screen (coincidence?). The change looked the same as when you turn the car lights on and off (which I wasn't doing). "Trivia post of the day" perhaps, but can anyone explain this behavior? (My wife saw it too, so I'm not calling the eye doctor!)