OK folks, the great total solar eclipse of 2017 is almost here! August 21 is the day. This is the one you don't want to miss! Even if you "couldn't care less" about astronomical events, reconsider hopping in that C-Max you love and taking a road trip to the path of totality (but not beyond!). A total solar eclipse is not just something you go to "see", its something you go to "experience" - and its quite like no other. This one goes entirely across the continental US from Oregon to South Carolina crossing over many major cities (first one like this since 1918). Here's the path on NASA's eclipse sight: Eclipse 2017 Interactive Map You want to get your C-Max close to the center line but you certainly don't need to be right on it. The duration of totality for this particular eclipse is about 2 to 2.7 minutes (depends on location) which is quite good. Of course a cloud can block your view so start tracking the weather forecast a week before and have some alternate destinations planned. Below is a sight for more information and where you can buy viewing glasses for the partial phase (before the sun is totally covered). Do not risk eye safety!!! Read up on it and get some certified glasses. eclipse2017.org Anyone else making plans for this awesome event?