Hello - I have searched but must be using the wrong search string. I bought my 2013 c-max hybrid (not SEL or anything), it had just under 50,000 miles when I purchased in late 2017. About 3 weeks ago I drove to work and when I tried to use the key fob to lock the car, it made a terrible sound, all the lights flickered, and everything went dark. I got back in and inserted the key and there was nothing happening. Ford dealer came and got it and said the hybrid battery (the one in the back?) was dead. They replaced and reset the computer and all has been well. I am puzzled though about the numbers on the dashboard. The two years leading up to this event, the EV numbers on the dashboard never got higher than 38, and now they stay very constant around 118. I have no idea what those numbers mean, but I am wondering if the low numbers were a hint that the battery had been dying all this time (have had several issues with the check engine light). Mostly just seeking to understand what the numbers mean? I am always careful with my braking score so I get 100% (or very close) return most of the time. This is my first hybrid and I love my little-max.