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MFT Climate control settings versus Manual Controls

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Weird glitch on the manual push bottom for AC ON as it doesn't correspond to the setting on the MFT Climate screen as it shows it's off.


Plus another annoying thing is turning it on and everything is full blast and it's not even on AUTO, then Recirculate is on too.


I've noticed the top part of the screen is blocked when I have my polarized glasses on. :drop:  ;)  my BMW has the same problem.







Edited by armoredsaint
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Just tested my climate control while in the garage and all displays were properly recorded virtually instantaneously with changes either via MFT or push buttons. On the MFT, the buttons are displayed on /off by a simulated rectangular LED on the button not by changing the color of the entire button like the auto button.


Maybe it's your glasses, try a new pair glasses. ;)  :)  I put my polarized sun glasses on and no part of my screen was blocked.

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I've noticed the top part of the screen is blocked when I have my polarized glasses on. :drop:  ;)  my BMW has the same problem.


I recently noticed I'd been driving for months with the little peel-off plastic cover still on the climate control display (the one that says A/C On or Off).  I peeled it off and then saw that my polarized glasses make it partly faded.  I guess that transparent plastic sheet de-polarizes it.

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