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Has all the press negative vibe been reduced lately???


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I have been noticing less emphasis on the gas mileage issue as of late on car reviews and press articles in the the printed and web media I have seen. My last 4 tanks if you count the one I am currently on are at 43.5, 47.8, 48.7 and this one with 530 miles at 46.8 mpg BUT I have been running more A/C with this tank and can easily break another 600 mile tank range.  My lifetime is now up to 42.3 mpg and I picked up my Max Sept 23 2013 right as the weather started getting cold and I had not benefit from your input and advice just about 9850 miles right now.

I drove with a salesman this past week in a new Lexus IS 250 and could not wait to get out of that POS which rode harsh and so low to the ground, visability sucked too. I should have drove that day :) What a great car all around the C Max is...........I think most are now looking at the overall virtues of the car and not obsessing on the EPA test although Recumpence (Matt) can surely put that test to shame in real world driving.

My next fill up will be with top of the line premium gas to see if this gives me a bit of a mileage boost and since I am entering heavy A/C season that won't hurt. So glad to own my C Max and seriously thinking to what technology will be next for Ford, will they ever think of adding a diesel engine as part of the hybrid power train?

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Yes, there are companies that are working on diesel-electric hybrids, Volvo is one of them. However, think about how badly our mpg suffers when the engine can't get hot. Now install a diesel engine that is even more sensitive to operating temperature. Done wrong, it could be a horrible combination, and worse than either hybrid or diesel on it's own.


I don't think the negative press has been reduced as much as press in general has been reduced. This is no longer a new model, there are now other cars to talk about and test drive. The review season only exists for a few months right around initial launch date, after that it's 'old news' and the automotive press is running towards the next shiny thing down the road. Some groups take a little longer to get their turn with a week-long test drive, so there's a few late reviews, but mostly it's just one burst and then done.

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Sorry but I can't get over the diesel klunk noise that it makes. One of my appraiser drives a diesel tdi - I can hear her before I see her. What a combo with an EV that will make... :runaway:

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I had a 2009 Jetta TDI before I got my C-Max, it was very quiet. You wouldn't know it was a diesel unless you looked at the TDI badge on the rear. The newest round of diesel engines have eliminated the traditional diesel sound, and the new exhaust treatment has eliminated the black smoke. I'd have no problem going back to that engine if it was attached to a large battery and an electric motor, assuming they managed to engineer around the cold engine suckage.

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vw is working on a hybrid diesel plugin electric SUV. it was recently debuted at a car show to gage interest.


as for the neg press on the C-max, i think they are waiting to hear what the epa does about re-running the tests on it and if they agree they need to change their methods with Fords help on why this car is unique. alot of early reviews of low mpg could be traced to breakin and cold weather at launch. and now we can prove them wrong with many getting over the epa rating with 600+ mi tanks. i do wish there was some new news/updates to report from officials.

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