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Vehicle Health Report Issue

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I had the 13B07 update done just before leaving for a 2,000+ mile road trip.  Everything worked just fine.


Just because, I decided to run a Vehicle Health Report while at the very end of the trip.  Surprisingly, I actually got a warning the popped up, "Restraints & Driver Assistance: The diagnostics system was unable to read the current state of one or more components within this system. We recommend that an authorized service dealer perform a more rigorous diagnostic and visual inspection to ensure that nothing is wrong with the vehicle."


I was already going to schedule The Works.  So, I added this issue to the list, and I scheduled service at my closest Ford dealership.  Up to now, I have been making the hour and a half drive up to Al Packer Ford--where I have had great service, including my 13B07 update--for service, but I just got back from a big drive, and ended out deciding to go to a local Ford dealership.  I schedule my appointment online.


Today, after waiting about an hour and a half in the service department of this dealership, my SA came out, saying that he needed to use my phone.  So, we went out to my C-MAX, connected, and ran another vehicle report. 


At the end, the SA told me that everything checked out fine on their end, and that the issue could have been as simple as not getting a good signal from the VHR transmission.  When he told me this, I informed the SA that I had run the report at least three separate times, in three separate places, and three separate days, always getting the same issue.  When I started to discuss viewing the VHR that I had just run at the dealership, to see if the issue had been cured at the dealership, he then said that I should go home and call Ford about this, that the Synch people should take care of it.


I am more than a little suspicious about whether this dealership knows what it is doing, given that I was at the dealership for basically just over the amount of time that it takes to perform The Works, and they basically said that there was nothing more for them to try.  However, until I get to the end of what is about to come, I don't think that it would be right to mention their name, in case they really are in the right about this.  So, there will likely be more to this story that I will report.


I went home, read the VHR that had no change, and I called Ford.  They are escalating the case, and said that someone will be back to me within four days to work to the conclusion of this matter.


Frankly, I am inclined to believe that Al Packer Ford would have taken care of this on the first visit.  However, I didn't think that this was such a C-MAX specific issue that it warranted making the drive.  We'll see where this goes.


Honestly, if I hadn't run this report, I never would have suspected that there is any kind of issue; my C-MAX is running great!  I was hoping that it was something like a cable that somehow unplugged, and that I could knock it out in a quick visit that I was already going to have to make for The Works.  I'll let everyone know what happens.  I don't think that this is going to be a big deal.

Edited by ScubaDadMiami
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Ford had the dealer call me back to confirm that I re-ran the report without change.  The dealer then gave me a phone number for vehicle technology.  When I called them, they basically told me to bring the car to another dealer.


Today, I went to Auto Nation Ford, in Miami Lakes.  The Tech came out after doing the service.  He said that I would need to re-run the VHR to verify that the issue is resolved.  I ran it on my laptop, right at the dealership, and it was all clear.  The Tech told me that the 13B07 update can sometimes cause this problem, and that he just re-set everything; nothing is broken or not functioning properly.  Assuming that this fully resolves the problem, that's that.  The whole thing took about an hour.


Between 75+mph highway driving and all of the FE drops for service at the dealerships, my FE will be really bad for this tank.  However, I am not going to  :cry:  too much about it.  Just glad not to have any issue with my new C-MAX.  Now, if only my vanity plates would finally arrive.  It's been about 12 weeks!  :gaah:

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